I browsed around on the internet and found this.So, WoD is going to have only 2 tiers of raid.
Wow, it is like Blizzard are trying to kill their own game.
I browsed around on the internet and found this.So, WoD is going to have only 2 tiers of raid.
WoW really suffers from player fragmentation past level 50 or so. They're spread too thin, and the MMO feeling is just not there when you run around the expanse. Or perhaps they're all quick-leveling monkeys, so there are very few "in progress" players and everyone is level 90.
But the point is to get to max lvl asap.
Its both of those issues, really. WoW's design ultimate conclusion is to reach max level. Vanilla world design made it a much longer affair and also funneled players so that they got to meet many others, especially in levels between 50 and 60 since it was predictable that there would be fewer players in that bracket at any one time.WoW really suffers from player fragmentation past level 50 or so. They're spread too thin, and the MMO feeling is just not there when you run around the expanse. Or perhaps they're all quick-leveling monkeys, so there are very few "in progress" players and everyone is level 90.
He planned a good deal of the conflict in Pandaria too to have the Alliance either destroy or absorb the Horde so they would stand united against the Burning Legion. With that plan having fallen through, he send Garrosh back to Draenor.Also it seems Wrathion is the mastermind behind the whole affair, and since it's a matter of time when Burning Legion finds Azeroth, it's apparently the test of Azeroth's champions' prowess to prove themselves.
Come to think of it, why doesn't the Bronze Dragonflight intervene and tear Wrathion several new assholes? Does he work together with the Infinite Dragonflight or something?
Come to think of it, why doesn't the Bronze Dragonflight intervene and tear Wrathion several new assholes? Does he work together with the Infinite Dragonflight or something?
It will be revealed that ours is actually a broken timeline and we must flee to new Azeroth for the "not even Arthas is dead" expansion.
Come to think of it, why doesn't the Bronze Dragonflight intervene and tear Wrathion several new assholes? Does he work together with the Infinite Dragonflight or something?
I'm wondering why they don't just gang up on him and kill him so he stops causing trouble.
The Wrathion storyline is dumb. Let's test the planet by killings hundreds of thousands of its 'champions' in a pointless war that does nothing but serve as a test. He's more detrimental than anything else and since he technically doesn't have any aspect powers I'm wondering why they don't just gang up on him and kill him so he stops causing trouble.
So he dies in some leveling quest? Wow...