So yeah, let me tell you quickly about World of Warships. It's fun... or at least it was until the updates that hit around the time they started selling the CBT access, since then the game is constantly going downhill in a truly Kafkaesque manner. I never understood why some people hate Wargaming with a passion, now I do.
At the beginning of the CBT (leaving out the issue of some quirky and annoying imbalances between tiers and ships and the dodgy damage model) the game was really fun. All the four classes of ships (CVs,BBs,CL-CAs and DDs) played differently and required a different playstyle to be effective. And that's the key point, the game was too much skill based, the gap between a good player and a moron was vast enough to result in matches where idiots with zero situation awareness and no pre-planning were most of the time dispatched with ease.
So what did those people do when they found themselves on the receiving side? Of course reflecting on what they were doing wrong was not the case. Instead they run with what they perceived as the strongest class, ergo, the Battleships. Unfortunately, even though BBs have a lot hp and the recovery ability, they were far from invincible. If they came near a landmass behind which a DD was waiting they were dog-food. The same with CVs which were the main counter of BBs. Were.
Because as soon as the morons found out a CVs had the the capability to one-shot a BB with a double squadron of Torpedo Bombers they whined, oh God how they whined.
Of courser none of them could grasp the fact that the only way a CV could annihilate a BB was if the Battlewagon was going in a straight line, and the CV's player timing with a manual drop was perfect. In other words, a CVs effectiveness rested a lot on how good the opposing BB players were. Those that started maneuvering as soon as they saw the TBs coming their way and hanged close to other friendly units that could support them were very hard targets. Idiots that kept going in a straight line and were hanging in the back of the map playing 18km snipers were easy targets.
But of course that couldn't be, a WG game that heavily relies on team-work made all the solo-retards rage like there was no tomorrow. And WG doesn't like when their army of retards is unhappy.
Soon enough you couldn't have two CVs in a division (max 3 people), later BBs got an AA buff, then another (at that point making CAs antiaircraft support function pointless). After that there was a period of fuck-all-happening in which in which retards were still getting beaten.
And then the CV Nerffening happened, with the introduction of the IJN CV line all carriers (US included) got their firepower cut by HALF (I'm not joking here, this is really what happened). In contrast BBs were suddenly able to turn faster and tighter then most cruisers. All ships now look like they are skating on ice, gone were the times when you had to deal with the ponderous mass of your vessels.
Currently BBs are be-all-end-all warships. The torpedo spotting distance was lengthened, along with the ridicules turn rate and the automated scout planes being able to travel further makes the DDs useless against BBs. CAs always were countered by BBs so that hasn't changed, besides maybe them getting killed faster. CVs are now nonexistent, previously you could regularly plant 10 torps into a BB for some serious damage, now you are lucky if you manage to hit it with four.
It became basically a World of Battleships, where team-play is discouraged and retards are under protection.
If there are any question feel free to ask.