Darth Canoli
Couldn't find any thread about Lunastralis mod :
Download page
Thought i could try it since it's sold as a total reconversion, i'm not sure exactly in what way, i'd hope for a total quests / locations reconversion (i could do without trynton for once).
Anyone tried it or have more infos about it ?
I checked wizardry 8 mods community here (postcount forum) but there isn't much infos about mods content and most threads are quite a mess.
Download page
Thought i could try it since it's sold as a total reconversion, i'm not sure exactly in what way, i'd hope for a total quests / locations reconversion (i could do without trynton for once).
Anyone tried it or have more infos about it ?
I checked wizardry 8 mods community here (postcount forum) but there isn't much infos about mods content and most threads are quite a mess.