I'm waiting for the game to drop me a fucking combat blade with bleed to try that. Up untill now, I have fun with my yolo Thunderhammer build. I win more than I lose.
Bolter is fun, iconic and damaging af but very slow and unwieldy. I fell in love with the stubnose revolver. Thing packs a punch, can be drawn immediately for quick shotgunner or trapper kill and can reliably hit at very long distances, if you're good with the iron sight. Except for the heaviest enemies, I can easily kill anything if I unload a full chamber. For the heavies there's the charged hammer.
Yeah the store is so badly designed. They might as well have slapped a sign on it saying "artificially designed to make you play more regularly since you have to check in to
gamble see what weapons you get."
That's mobile gaming style monetization. The ultimate and grossest manifestation of the industry's corporate greed to date. disgusting.
With the dagger you NEED a bolter. It will kill Oggies, Ragers, and basically everything else your dagger doesn't work well on. Even on Damnation 5 it takes a spray or two of bolter fire to kill a rager. With your dagger, it'll take you like a second. Which doesn't sound like much, but it'll be taking like 3/4 slashes at you, with its buddies, and you probably wont dodge all of them.
Can't trade on Damnation.
Bolter I find better than the revolver because of ammo count and how it deletes specials. If there was a tier list, bolter would absolutely be S tier for Zealot.
Get dagger (not sure if the lacerate blessing got removed, but that would work best since it procs bleed. Not necessary since I don't have it.), stack crit/bleed blessings (are we gambling yet?), get bolter,
get full HP curios (Toughness still kinda sucks/buggy) nevermind bug's been fixed, so full toughness curios, and get the bleed feat build (forgot what it was but you can probably google it).
Have fun hard carrying all your strike teams