Technological oligarchy using digital goods and services to manipulate feral blacks for their own ends... they weren't even trying to hide it. The writing was on the wall and we were too blind - or overfed with MTV, Nintendo, Steve Urkel and Pizza Hut - to see and stop it before it was too late. Only now, in the digital and cultural wasteland that we find ourselves in, long after the rot began to set in, do we realize the predicament we stalwart Gamers, last bastion of Western Civilization, are in. We must never back down, never relent, never falter. Though the simple sheep look on us with disdain and scorn, or turn their noses up at the hearty musk of our unceasing labor, or shield their eyes from the grim visage of our pallid, bloated forms, we will persevere and restore the glory of the Golden Age of Gaming!