Big Wrangle
Not much to add myself, but the animations are looking to be a MASSIVE improvement when compared to AoD and Dungeon Rats.
Our train seems to be speeding up. Here is what we managed to scratch off the list in the last 3 months:
- Loot screen
- Trade screen
- Character appearance customization (the system is in place, all we need are the art assets)
- Options menu
- Char creation screen
- Attack effects / Status effects (different effects can be assigned to attacks and applied on hit)
- Clothes and weapon items visual mechanics: showing/hiding, opacity masks
- Visual attack effects: muzzle flashes, sounds, particles
- Party inventory
- More animation states: more characters' body poses and better transitions between them
- Attacks of opportunity, interrupt attacks, reaction shots
- Combat AI (in progress)
- Grenades (in progress)
And now some pistol animations for your amusement:
Snap Shot:
Regular Shot:
Aimed Shot:
Fanning (revolvers only):
While suggestions are always welcome, keep in mind that the in-game size will be much smaller:
We have fifteen unique attacks (at the moment). Each attack has many different animations. Plus knockdowns, dodging (melee only), crouching, idle, a variety of death animations, etc. Overall, the combat system alone has over 200 animations, so hopefully you won't be bored.
Not much to add myself, but the animations are looking to be a MASSIVE improvement when compared to AoD and Dungeon Rats.