Two things: the Brotherhood of Blood arena doesn't actually consume Tokens of Spite. The NPC dialogue seems to imply that they do consume them, but I have tested it and the arena is 100% free. I miss having an infinite eye orb, however.
Turns out you're correct. That's really cool. Might go Bloodbro again and rumble with people so I can invade and build up some sin so Bluebros have people to hunt. Though getting all these Titanite Chunks Bellbroing is pretty fun...
Also, I don't think the ridiculous lack of poise has anything to do with the stone ring. I think Poise in PvP does not work, or that it just reduces the stagger time. I don't wear the ring and all my attacks stagger other players.
I'm honestly not certain how poise really works in any online scenario, PvE or PvP. While engaging in jolly cooperation, I've had certain enemies not be poise-broken by the same attacks that would do so in my world. Since NG and NG+X are segregated from one another and the Covenant of Champions disables co-op, I'm not sure how to explain this. Latency issues?
And in PvP, I can poise-lock people with almost no trouble, yet hardly ever get poise-locked myself...even in light (translucent in fact) armor. I always seem to be able to roll out after 1-2 hits, like a toggle-escape in DkS1 without ever having to do any fancy inputs. Whether this is due to decent investments in both ADP/ATT (aiming for a DEX/INT build with likely a heavy focus on Pyromancy) or everyone I face being bad at stamina management...I can't tell.
Pyromancy, in turn, has Flame Swathe, which generates a huge explosion wherever you are standing, and is quite overpowered. It's not too hard to dodge if the opponent casts it when you're idle, but if you're in some animation, you get destroyed. It does more than 1000 damage. It's also not a projectile of any sort, the explosion appears wherever you are, as long as the enemy is locked on to you it has perfect accuracy.
I've been enjoying Flamer Swathe, but it's
really easy to dodge and the only animations that really permit an easy hit are Estus Flask chugging or extremely long cast/weapon animations. Other than that, it typically whiffs on any opponent who knows what they're doing. I think that's good design, though. Highly damaging attacks should be a little easier to counter or a bit more unwieldy. Black Flame, Dark Bead, Wrath of the Gods, and Lagsuers were all miserable because of how they combined high damage, ease of use, and the (relative) difficulty of countermeasures. Really warped the PvP meta around them. I don't see Swathe doing the same.
Swathe is fantastic in PvE though. That, and Flame Whip, made the Bastille bosses a breeze.
Like a lot of the changes/additions to Pyromancy as well.
As Kanedias mentioned, Firestorm is a lot less obvious, and is no longer a death sentence in PvP, though I doubt it will ever be a part of top-tier builds. It also actually lists the total casts, not some weird number of pillars that can be summoned in total.
Mist spells (Poison, Toxic, Acid), like Flame Swathe, drop on top of the position of what you're locked on to, making them a lot better. It doesn't hurt that Poison/Toxic/Durability effects are much better as well. I can see some of these being legitmately decent, especially the Acid one.
Combustion and Great Combustion do a lot less damage and cast a lot slower. Unless attunement starts giving increasing rewards to cast speed, I doubt either will be the swift punishers that DexPyros in DkS1 wielded.
Fireball/Orb spells seem the same. Generally alright, though I haven't really experimented much with them. I'm not even certain if canceling even exists still. Mindgames built around that and unlocked casting were fun in DkS1.
Fire Whip actually works now, dishing out a bunch of hits. Really good for poise-locking certain foes/bosses.
Haven't found Warmth yet, nor some of the really high-tier Pyromancies, but I like what I see so far.