I just played the Dark Envoy demo. 11 minutes Steam says. Subtract loading times and that's maybe 9. Subtract character creation and that's about 3. It felt very generic both in presentation and combat, maybe that changes if I got more than 3 minutes of gameplay but I can't imagine ever thinking, "Hey wouldn't it be great to play this remarkably subpar version of something you've played before?"
Played almost half an hour of Archmage Rises which reminded me a little bit of Neo Scavenger. At the start you have to generate a world complete with "historic events" although it's not readily apparent whether this impacts... well, anything, except to excite the butt-huffing of the procedural generation cult. Are NPCs and quests proc-gen as well? I'm guessing quests are (since they are shit like "kill 5 skeletons", "kill 5 spiders") but I saw one NPC going by the name of "Sylvester Stelon" (or maybe it was "Stefon", I can't go back and check as you'll see soon). Anyway, on a map tile I got a random event where I found some shrubbery. There were choices about how to deal with the shrubbery, I went with the one in which I would tend to it and help it grow because there wasn't an option to bring the shrubbery to a bunch of strange knights. Right after that the game bugged out and I couldn't do anything. The only way to save is "Save and Quit". Oh and the only way to quit is "Save and Quit". I did that, reloaded, and the problem persisted. I said fuck it and decided to quit altogether but the game bugged out again when trying to exit so I had to terminate the application.
I tried Phantom Brigade which was probably the most impressive of the bunch. It has a unique spin (or at least one I've never seen) on turn-based combat in that you plan out the actions for each turn along a timeline, then execute them and watch them unfold. When the actions are plotted on the timeline it kind of reminds me of music recording software like Garageband
As interesting as that may be, I can see it becoming pretty tedious after a few battles. The "brigade" starts out as a squad of your typical current-era rag-tag group of diverse survivors complete with non-white short-haired females (although there is a white male on the squad, how dare they?!). I played for nearly a half-hour which included two battles and several cutscenes and in-game cutscenes that I skipped because the story so far sounds like it was ripped from Ace Combat 7. I probably would have played a little more but FPS started tanking after the second battle, hovering around 10 or so. My PC isn't new but the way this game looks... it shouldn't be struggling so much.
I almost forgot about the Shadow of Doubt demo. It seems to be an imsim or similar but the world is proc-gen and everything is made of voxels apparently so it's ugly as fuck. You're an ex-cop investigating... stuff, I assume proc-gen stuff. You have an investigation board you can pin stuff to like people, locations, items, etc. Using the menu felt like shit, especially the inventory. The first time I had to pick a lock I opened the inventory to try to equip a lock pick and didn't see any in there despite picking some up. I also tried to equip a wrench because I'm a goddamn red blooded American and I like to hit stuff with wrenches in my imsims. Imagine my horror when I realized you can only throw it. I tried to follow the leads I discovered, which pointed me to a woman's name and her apartment number. Went up to the 9th floor, knocked on the door - no response. Figured I'd have to break in. Disabled the security camera (by lock picking a breaker box, not by hacking
) then let myself in. She was dead on the floor and so the game wanted me to escape through a vent. Awesome, right? NO. These are
procedurally-generated vents. This is a new horror dreamed up by the sick and depraved. They are so long, with many branching paths, just when you think you're going in the right direction - nope, dead end and the only way is straight up for 10 floors. Eventually I found an exit to someone's bathroom and they were pissed I was in their apartment so they started punching me. What the fuck do I do? I had to open my inventory,
equip my fists, then beat on 'em. Well apparently I exited out the wrong vent because the tutorial instructions wouldn't advance further. So much for "play your way".
Almost forgot, the first phone I found I dialed 000451 and someone named "Jamal" answered.
Long story short, proc-gen implemented in an imsim - "wow!" but much more importantly, "why?"