I bought Vayne.
I haven't lost a game since I started playing her.
Fucking Vayne. I thought she was nerfed? Hitting people with her is like hammering them with the tree trunk gun from Painkiller. And she can't be killed 1vs1 at all. And she can chase everyone down. And she can escape. And she can surprise attack. And she deals true damage. WTF were they thinking?
Bullshit. There are players with multiple accounts in top of the ladder (Dyrus on NA - 12 and 32; Peke on EUW - 4, 23 and 44) . Scarra has been a no. 1 on NA server for at least couple weeks if I remember correctly and he was 4th at the end of season 1. Yellowpete, 1st on EUW in season 1, is currently 3rd. You can't seriously suggest that they achieved that by a coincidence.Not to mention, you don't see the same people on top for very long. They make it up there, then fall back down to obscurity and stop playing.
Of course, the ELO is an approximation, it doesn't strictly reflect your skills in game, especially when a single win/lose moves you around 10 places up/down in the ladder if you're in top 100 or thousand places if you're an average player. But, if f.e. someone has got a couple hundred ranked games and for the most of time oscillated around 1700 - 1900 level, you can safely assume he's a very good player but not on a "pro" level. If someone plays a lot and can't get above certain level, it means he's not good enough to do so.
Assuming you're on about the ELO you deserve to be to, your chance of winning should be 50%. Most people think that it should mean you generally win one game and lose one, with occasional streaks of 2 - 3 games won/lost. In fact, longer streaks of 6 - 8 are to be expected in such situation. The fact that the game is played in teams of five means that even if you're much better than the other players, your chance of winning will probably raise to no more than 55 - 65%. Even for such chance, it's not uncommon to have a couple straight loses and only after many games you will get to ELO that is more or less reflecting your skills.I'd play stellar games and lose game after game. Win 1 lose 5. Granted, there were some games I didn't play extremely well
Furthermore, even if you're playing solidly for most of the times and only have a bad game every once in a while, you shouldn't expect too much. If you have a bad game every 5 games, then by being paired with people on your level, there should be one feeder in your team per game on average. This leads you to believing that you're getting much more bad players in your team than you deserve to, while in fact, what you get is what you deserve.
Who was on top before them? Exactly. The game involves a LOT of chance. There's a level of skill involved, but sometimes you will lose multiple times because of leavers (for instance). A lot of the ELO system is just being lucky. Period.
email said:Last week we became aware of an issue where Ranked Team games did not provide rewards to some of the games you played on our EU Nordic & East server. We understand that the depth of Ranked Team play is influenced by not just the effort put into the game, but what you gain from it. We have credited your account 375 IP, which is 125 IP for each game that we identified as affected to correct the issue.
We also wanted to sweeten the deal by crediting your account 400 RP and a 4-win IP boost. The points should already be on your account, but please note that the points may not appear until you attempt to make a champion purchase in the store. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, feel free to contact us a https://support.leagueoflegends.com.
Thank you for playing and supporting our game and good luck on the Fields of Justice!
What phoenix neglects to mention is that he got half an hour of freefarm top while drunken mana regen/utility shyvana shat all over the enemy jungle.[screenshot]
Then I feed for the next 2 gamesbecause of lag
wtf. Thats pretty cool of them.
Of course its just few enough RP to be worthless but nontheless
Of course its just few enough RP to be worthless but nontheless
wtf. Thats pretty cool of them.
Of course its just few enough RP to be worthless but nontheless
Unlike biowhore for example riot has decent PR and if they fuck up they make up for it. Hell I bought Karthus like a week before his price drop from 6300 IP to 3150 IP was announced. They gave me 3150 IP back without me even asking for it.
It’s been quite a while since we’ve had the opportunity to explore the design space of a true melee carry in League of Legends. Fiora, the Grand Duelist, is our first all-out take on this type of champion since our initial launch, and our new addition to this role has let us really focus on a particular aspect: speed.
It’s been quite a while since we’ve had the opportunity to explore the design space of a true melee carry in League of Legends. Fiora, the Grand Duelist, is our first all-out take on this type of champion since our initial launch, and our new addition to this role has let us really focus on a particular aspect: speed.
That E looks fucking sick.
That is all.
And her ulti is like Alpha Strike. She's Yi with tits! And French accent.That E looks fucking sick.
That is all.
Looks sort of like highlander except not an ult :D
She's Yi with tits! And French accent.