Which RPGs in your opinion have killer soundtracks?
Doesn't have to be limited to the oldies or the mainstream decline ones.
I'll start out by listing some(number doesn't indicate how good).
1. Dragon age: origins, main theme
2. NWN2: storm of zehir, Main theme
3. D:OS2 , Lady Vengance
4. D:OS, Flutter of a butterfly
5, ES:III, Nerevar rising
6. ES: IV, Auriels ascension
7. DOS:2 , fort joy battle theme1 (cello)
Doesn't have to be limited to the oldies or the mainstream decline ones.
I'll start out by listing some(number doesn't indicate how good).
1. Dragon age: origins, main theme
2. NWN2: storm of zehir, Main theme
3. D:OS2 , Lady Vengance
4. D:OS, Flutter of a butterfly
5, ES:III, Nerevar rising
6. ES: IV, Auriels ascension
7. DOS:2 , fort joy battle theme1 (cello)