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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Einhar is heavily nerfed in Ruthless.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Well, he did show up eventually in act 3. After doing his little hunting quest i haven't checked out the rest yet.

I really hate stuff like this, things that force you to put your progress on hold to do side crap. The ascendacy thing is another one. I now have to put act 4 on hold to complete the first labyrinth. And what's annoying about this is that it just makes you over level making the campain more trivial than it already is. I'm actually seven levels higher than i should be just because of all the time i wasted trying to dick around with the crucible mechanic (which i'm now ignoring entirely), and i'll probably be even higher once i finish the labyrinth which i'm sure will make act 4 even more of a joke than act 3 was.

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
You also find less valuable currency if you are way over leveled. However it's pretty easy to fix this problem, just rush waypoints and don't be fixated on clearing areas and the difficulty will catch up to your character. The Labyrinth is especially all about zoom zooming to Izaro ASAP - in fact, the slower you go the more likely you'll die to a stupid trap device. You want to get it done, get your points and get out- it's not an area for treasure hunting.


May 21, 2011
Don't overthink the level thing, unless you rush the campaign you're usually overleveld in it. Same for most of mapping, especially if you don't trade. You'll also get xp penalties so it won't get out of control.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I really hate stuff like this, things that force you to put your progress on hold to do side crap
You really don't have to do any of it. Skip the beasts if you want. Same with lab, but the power boost makes it worth it. Sounds like you are clearing normal maps way too thoroughly. It's totally fine to run past enemies.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Yes, i always clear maps thoroughly, kinda messes with my autism to leave them unfinished. I had no idea of course the game threw so much XP at you.

So i finished the labyinth. I actually enjoyed it and so far it's the best thing i did in this game, as most of the maps in the acts are kinda uneventful by comparison. Too bad i didn't have good gloves to put that enchant on, just slapped it on the best thing i had so i could move on.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Yep, everything except for white items that aren't chromatic. Sometimes those too if i got the space and i'm heading out of a level lmao.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Well, just finished act 4, and so far the game has been way too easy. Started act 5 and it's nice i didn't get booted back to act 1 and it seems there's actually extra content still which is great, it does feel they tried to get out of the normal, nightmare, hell loop, but i think something needs to be done about every single one of those games forcing to play the game at least once in cakewalk mode and it's actually starting to get annoying. Grim Dawn was actually harder than this but that too becomes a joke after a while.


Jun 14, 2007
São Paulo - Brasil
Well, just finished act 4, and so far the game has been way too easy. Started act 5 and it's nice i didn't get booted back to act 1 and it seems there's actually extra content still which is great, it does feel they tried to get out of the normal, nightmare, hell loop, but i think something needs to be done about every single one of those games forcing to play the game at least once in cakewalk mode and it's actually starting to get annoying. Grim Dawn was actually harder than this but that too becomes a joke after a while.

The loop happen on act 6. Act 5 is a real new location.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Well, just finished act 4, and so far the game has been way too easy. Started act 5 and it's nice i didn't get booted back to act 1 and it seems there's actually extra content still which is great, it does feel they tried to get out of the normal, nightmare, hell loop, but i think something needs to be done about every single one of those games forcing to play the game at least once in cakewalk mode and it's actually starting to get annoying. Grim Dawn was actually harder than this but that too becomes a joke after a while.
Congrats on finishing the good half of the campaign I guess :M
But yeah, not needing to do it 3 times is really nice.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Are act 6-10 an exact loop (except harder) or are there differences too? In what way are act 1-5 the "good" half if the second half it's just a loop of the first?


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Are act 6-10 an exact loop (except harder) or are there differences too? In what way are act 1-5 the "good" half if the second half it's just a loop of the first?
Acts 1-4 have a fairly large quantity of spoken dialogue during fights and exploration, and are about a shipwrecked person taking revenge on the dude who exiled them from their homeland.

In act5 the story pivots to the pc killing literal gods by the dozen, while also transforming into a mute (at least for most of the classes, ggg have added dialogue to templar).

They're not an exact loop, they just take place in the same areas and use mostly the same tilesets. The quests and bosses are all new. The way the areas fit together is also changed. In terms of map design I don't think it's anything to complain about.


May 22, 2013
If you have even remotely decent build, then everything up to the campaign's end should be cakewalk. Real painal starts at endgame ie mapping, although that depends a lot on what build you are running.


Mar 28, 2014
Are act 6-10 an exact loop (except harder) or are there differences too? In what way are act 1-5 the "good" half if the second half it's just a loop of the first?

You are playing in similar areas but story, bosses, quests etc. is different. It is not "the same thing but higher def"

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
Well, just finished act 4, and so far the game has been way too easy. Started act 5 and it's nice i didn't get booted back to act 1 and it seems there's actually extra content still which is great, it does feel they tried to get out of the normal, nightmare, hell loop, but i think something needs to be done about every single one of those games forcing to play the game at least once in cakewalk mode and it's actually starting to get annoying. Grim Dawn was actually harder than this but that too becomes a joke after a while.
Optimized builds zoom through the main campaign in 3-5 hours and record runs are like 1-2 hours. The gem system means that if you know your skills well enough, you already have near full campaign clearing skills and defenses set up by mid Act 1 before you fight the Warden and are basically just waiting for 4Ls to drop in Act 3. If you find it too easy, being over leveled is only a very small part of that.

Also note that some players do play this game on HC (kekeke) so it's not meant to be impossible for them.
Last edited:


Nov 5, 2007
PoE2 will come out before they add dialogues to remaining characters for acts 5+.
Let that sink in.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BTW, what's with Innocence?

First time i actually died to a boss, and it was not even because of some big attack. He shoots this golden ball that spawns a bunch of little flying balls and a single one of those one shot me lmao. I can only imagine how many HC characters got deleted by this encounter after falling into a false sense of security given everything prior to this was barely a nuisance.

Guess it's time to actually start looking at my defences as for the most part until now i focused on damage. I'm trying to stack up evasion with some energy shield, all though at this stage it's not something i can control as it all depends on what gear i find. I'm close to a thing called Ghost Dance wonder if it's worth picking up.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
He shoots this golden ball that spawns a bunch of little flying balls and a single one of those one shot me lmao.
Classic. Also, welcome to modern GGG boss design.
What you are supposed to do is use the statues (that can get animated and move around) as cover, as they block the projectiles. You're not really intended to dodge or tank the projectiles, but it can be done. I think they mostly do elemental damage, so evasion won't help. Capped resists and at least 1500 hp would be good.
How you are supposed to figure out that the statues block the projectiles I have no idea.

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