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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Wow the RNG gods are smiling on me just go boots with 10% run speed on them plus Volley Support gem which i can use with Creeping Frost.

BTW is there a way to change the skill tree from the Crucible Forge? I got a sceptre with a ton of spell and elemental damage but all the bonuses from the Crucible Tree are for melee, kinda messing with my autism.


Sep 11, 2016
I don't even remember anymore, I think they patched vendor recipe reroll so you can "merge" items after the campaign? Don't bother it's pure rng garbage system, take a few nodes while lvling and if you are lucky you'll get 1 or 2 good enough passives on proper weapon.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Just saw people in the chat posting white items with "good" crucible passives. I guess the idea is to upgrade them to magic items. Personally, that just seems like a ton of work, just carry white or magic items with you to check out if the passive tree you get is good or not, all though maybe once you get to the end game it's worth it.


Mar 16, 2015
Just saw people in the chat posting white items with "good" crucible passives. I guess the idea is to upgrade them to magic items. Personally, that just seems like a ton of work, just carry white or magic items with you to check out if the passive tree you get is good or not, all though maybe once you get to the end game it's worth it.
It is a ton of work, GGG cannot help but to make most league rewards around crazy grind. It has been a long time since we had a good league mechanic that was rewarding but not irritating while also base balance was not screwed up at the same time (archnemesis going core is example of screwing up base game balance but that league had rewarding league mechanics that I didn't experience as I quit the league super early).
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Jun 14, 2007
São Paulo - Brasil
Just saw people in the chat posting white items with "good" crucible passives. I guess the idea is to upgrade them to magic items. Personally, that just seems like a ton of work, just carry white or magic items with you to check out if the passive tree you get is good or not, all though maybe once you get to the end game it's worth it.

Just keep a weapon or shield you find on you every map. It is basically a roulette you can play every map, with higher level items possibly giving you some good currency or a unique. If you are looking for some specific kind of modifier, keep a weapon or shield of the right type. Wands can have modifiers that help spellcasting or even change how some spells work. Convoking wands can grant bonuses to minions and if you find something you like but is still not quite there, you can keep it so you can fuse with another item later.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
BTW, what's with the guy with the corvus mask? Where am i supposed to meet him to hunt animals?


Mar 16, 2015
So i should kill all the bandits, right? Even in ruthless.
Depends on your build. Saving Alira is good if you are using mana and going critical hit as she gives 3 useful bonuses. But if you are not sure getting 2 additional points is probably more useful overall.


Jun 14, 2007
São Paulo - Brasil
BTW, what's with the guy with the corvus mask? Where am i supposed to meet him to hunt animals?

He is one of the few new league mechanics that show up before the 6th act. Like most such mechanics, his appearance is random. The beasts he hunts van be used for some interesting, occasionally useful, recipes.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Ultimatum was a lot of fun (although I remember complaining a bit during the league, mainly due to the rare aura spam).
Like most such mechanics, his appearance is random.
The first appearance (act two, first map on the left of town) is guaranteed.

So i should kill all the bandits, right? Even in ruthless.
Alira is often worth saving because she gives mana regen and resist, both of which are useful for pretty much every build.


Nov 22, 2015


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Last GGG comment on the subreddit was on the 9th of this month according to the GGG-tracker. Communication overall has been almost non-existent this League, but that is due to the Exilecon/PoE2 push and less about plebbit.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lmao wtf is this hideout shit.

No fucking way i'm going to start dicking around with this retardation they can't be serious.

Also that Einhar dude is nowhere to be found. Just started act 3 and haven't met him anywhere but apparently he was supposed to show up in act 2 what did i miss.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Lmao wtf is this hideout shit.
You need a hideout so you can trade with other players easily. And in the endgame it becomes your base because you can put the map device right next to the npcs.
I don't understand people who spend time customizing it, but at some point I just downloaded a fully customized hideout from the internet and pasted it. It's marginally better than the purely functional layout I put together myself.

Also that Einhar dude is nowhere to be found. Just started act 3 and haven't met him anywhere but apparently he was supposed to show up in act 2 what did i miss.
Maybe it's a ruthless thing? Basically you get an ai helper for a map, and a few extra strong rare mobs. After you kill them they get collected and there's a separate crafting system which uses these rare mobs as ingredients. I basically only use it to craft immunities on flasks, and the occasional roulette wheel spin for a unique (it's always garbage).


Mar 16, 2015
Lmao wtf is this hideout shit.
You need a hideout so you can trade with other players easily. And in the endgame it becomes your base because you can put the map device right next to the npcs.
I don't understand people who spend time customizing it, but at some point I just downloaded a fully customized hideout from the internet and pasted it. It's marginally better than the purely functional layout I put together myself.

Also that Einhar dude is nowhere to be found. Just started act 3 and haven't met him anywhere but apparently he was supposed to show up in act 2 what did i miss.
Maybe it's a ruthless thing? Basically you get an ai helper for a map, and a few extra strong rare mobs. After you kill them they get collected and there's a separate crafting system which uses these rare mobs as ingredients. I basically only use it to craft immunities on flasks, and the occasional roulette wheel spin for a unique (it's always garbage).
It was kind of useful in past for potion crafting but after last bigger change the whole mechanic is completely useless unless you play SSF and need some specific unique for your build.
I do not bother even using free daily beast missions while mapping

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