Rape is initiated using the 'b' key. Rape can happen 2 ways:
1) Blitz rape - this occurs if the player is sneaking and is undetected by the intended victim. This displays the same (well, similar - text has changed) options for rape as before. With this mode, there is no chance of escape.
2) Dialog - this occurs if the user is detected by the victim when sneaking, or by not sneaking at all. A dialog is initiated (text determined by sex of player and victim). The same options appear as in Blitz, with the addition of forced masturbation.
Chance of escape is calculated based on several factors. The base is 90% chance of escape. Each of the following reduce that chance:
a) player CH - 10% for each point above 5.
weapon drawn - 20%
c) female victim and player has ladykiller/cherchezlefemme - 20%
d) male victim and player has blackwidow/confirmedbachelor - 20%
e) player level X 2%
f) # of followers X 10%
g) If victim is enthralled, no escape can occur...
If the victim escapes, they will run away from player based on a set distance. Once reached, the victim should return to their original package. The victim will run away AFTER the rape as well.
Rape duration will be a randomized based on the default duration set in Sexout MCM prefs. That will be modified by the rapist endurance. It will be a scale with the low end = EN X 10%. The upper end will be 150%. If you have an EN of 5, the range would be 50% - 150%. Any chems that modify EN affect the low end as well. Buffout has an additional effect in that it raised the upper end by 50%. So in the above example, a PC with Buffout would get a range of 80% - 200%. The formula applies to all rapists followers as well.
Only punishment currently enforced is a Karma hit for each rape. Still planning on adding the "mob" aspect.
Future: If enough people witnessing the rape turn against the Rapists, then a simple fade to black will occur, with the Rapists waking up some number of hours later damaged/crippled, basically beaten by the mob. In a more advanced version, I would like to have Bounty Hunters show up at a certain point to avenge a rape victim (however, that currently is beyond my capabilities).