Lithium Flower
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Guns of Infinity is the second book in a planned 5-book series of text adventures with RPG elements, authored by Paul Wang and published by Choice of Games. I highly recommend purchasing the games and supporting the author.
Click here to read the first part of the let's play, Book I: Sabres of Infinity.
Click here to read the third part of the let's play, Book III: Lords of Infinity.
As before, here is something to get the gentlemen in the mood:
While the game does a fairly good job of introducing crucial pieces of background information, the game comes with an extensive reference that elaborates on many of them. Feel free to explore or, you know, reference these resources if the desire arises.
Note: this reference is more comprehensive and expansive than the one in Sabres of Infinity, so returning readers may find it useful.
The Royal Tierran Army is the land-based branch of the Tierran armed forces. Though eclipsed by the Royal Tierran Navy in size, reputation, and funding, the Royal Army maintains readiness mostly through the sale of commissions and the private contributions of various powerful nobles of the Cortes, who often pay to maintain private units of 'house guards' who serve as that noble house's private guards in times of peace. At the beginning of the war with Antar, the Royal Tierran Army could call upon little over 24 000 men organised into 18 regiments. After several years of war, the army has nearly doubled in size. As of OIE 609, the Army consists of nearly 45 000 men in almost thirty regiments, with more than two thirds of those men serving with the army in Antar.
The basic administrative unit in the Tierran army is the regiment. Although horse (cavalry) and foot (infantry) regiments are organized differently, both types are large, usually independent formations of around 1 000 men. Each regiment possesses a unique set of rituals and professional culture, determined by the unit's history and the whims of the regimental colonel, who serves more like the unit's owner than its commanding officer. A soldier or officer from one Tierran regiment may find the soldier of another as different as one from a foreign country.
These regiments are ranked by the seniority and perceived quality of their officers and men. The elite 'guards' regiments (The Grenadier Guards, Wolf's Head Cuirassiers and Kentauri Highlanders) are ranked first, followed by the three regiments of the Royal Marines and then by the remainder.
Cavalry regiments are divided into 4 to 6 squadrons of 200 men and horses. Each squadron is divided into 5 to 6 troops of 40. Infantry regiments are made up of 2 to 4 battalions of 720 men, which in turn is split into 9 companies of 80 men each. Most regiments are split between the field army in Antar and recruiting in Tierra. A single cavalry regiment might have half its squadrons in the field, with the remainder recruiting and training replacements in its home regions. Once a field squadron is depleted through the normal workings of wartime, they are sent back and replaced with a fresh squadron of the same regiment.
In circumstances requiring many thousands of fighting men, multiple regiments might be combined into brigades. The senior regimental colonel is then given the temporary rank of general-of-brigade and placed in charge of the whole unit. Brigades are usually disbanded at the end of a campaign and the commanding officer reverted to his permanent rank of colonel.
To ensure that the Royal Army's officer corps is populated by men of wealth and appropriate class, the Royal Tierran Army usually requires an officer to purchase a promotion from a superior officer of the same regiment once they have the appropriate seniority. Of course, any officer could refuse to sell their commission to a would-be successor considered too disreputable to advance in the ranks. In addition, promotions are extremely expensive, especially in the more prestigious regiments.
Purchasing a commission is generally a major investment, especially for an officer of modest means. For example, a commission as a major of a regiment of foot generally costs about 2200 crown, while that of a captain is worth about 1400 crown. This means that to purchase a promotion to major, a captain must sell his commission and buy a major's commission. He must pay the difference out of his own pocket, in this case a sum of 800 crown, equivalent to ten years' wages for a working member of the middle class. This means that the peacetime army is populated by men of wealth, honour, and privilege. Only during times of war are officers from humble backgrounds capable of earning the great sums of money needed to reach the higher ranks.
While commissions up to that of the rank of lieutenant-colonel can only be purchased after an officer has gained an appropriate level of seniority (ranging from one to three years), the post of colonel or regimental colonel can be purchased directly, even by a baneblood with no military experience. Unlike his subordinates, who must lead the regiment's fighting men in battle, the regimental colonel's task is that of an owner-manager; it is he who sets the price of officers' commissions and must ensure that his men are properly clothed, equipped, and armed, in conjunction with Grenadier Square. Despite the heady and often expensive responsibilities of the rank, many regimental colonels also lead their regiments into battle.
The Royal Tierran Army is the land-based branch of the Tierran armed forces. Though eclipsed by the Royal Tierran Navy in size, reputation, and funding, the Royal Army maintains readiness mostly through the sale of commissions and the private contributions of various powerful nobles of the Cortes, who often pay to maintain private units of 'house guards' who serve as that noble house's private guards in times of peace. At the beginning of the war with Antar, the Royal Tierran Army could call upon little over 24 000 men organised into 18 regiments. After several years of war, the army has nearly doubled in size. As of OIE 609, the Army consists of nearly 45 000 men in almost thirty regiments, with more than two thirds of those men serving with the army in Antar.
The basic administrative unit in the Tierran army is the regiment. Although horse (cavalry) and foot (infantry) regiments are organized differently, both types are large, usually independent formations of around 1 000 men. Each regiment possesses a unique set of rituals and professional culture, determined by the unit's history and the whims of the regimental colonel, who serves more like the unit's owner than its commanding officer. A soldier or officer from one Tierran regiment may find the soldier of another as different as one from a foreign country.
These regiments are ranked by the seniority and perceived quality of their officers and men. The elite 'guards' regiments (The Grenadier Guards, Wolf's Head Cuirassiers and Kentauri Highlanders) are ranked first, followed by the three regiments of the Royal Marines and then by the remainder.
Cavalry regiments are divided into 4 to 6 squadrons of 200 men and horses. Each squadron is divided into 5 to 6 troops of 40. Infantry regiments are made up of 2 to 4 battalions of 720 men, which in turn is split into 9 companies of 80 men each. Most regiments are split between the field army in Antar and recruiting in Tierra. A single cavalry regiment might have half its squadrons in the field, with the remainder recruiting and training replacements in its home regions. Once a field squadron is depleted through the normal workings of wartime, they are sent back and replaced with a fresh squadron of the same regiment.
In circumstances requiring many thousands of fighting men, multiple regiments might be combined into brigades. The senior regimental colonel is then given the temporary rank of general-of-brigade and placed in charge of the whole unit. Brigades are usually disbanded at the end of a campaign and the commanding officer reverted to his permanent rank of colonel.
To ensure that the Royal Army's officer corps is populated by men of wealth and appropriate class, the Royal Tierran Army usually requires an officer to purchase a promotion from a superior officer of the same regiment once they have the appropriate seniority. Of course, any officer could refuse to sell their commission to a would-be successor considered too disreputable to advance in the ranks. In addition, promotions are extremely expensive, especially in the more prestigious regiments.
Purchasing a commission is generally a major investment, especially for an officer of modest means. For example, a commission as a major of a regiment of foot generally costs about 2200 crown, while that of a captain is worth about 1400 crown. This means that to purchase a promotion to major, a captain must sell his commission and buy a major's commission. He must pay the difference out of his own pocket, in this case a sum of 800 crown, equivalent to ten years' wages for a working member of the middle class. This means that the peacetime army is populated by men of wealth, honour, and privilege. Only during times of war are officers from humble backgrounds capable of earning the great sums of money needed to reach the higher ranks.
While commissions up to that of the rank of lieutenant-colonel can only be purchased after an officer has gained an appropriate level of seniority (ranging from one to three years), the post of colonel or regimental colonel can be purchased directly, even by a baneblood with no military experience. Unlike his subordinates, who must lead the regiment's fighting men in battle, the regimental colonel's task is that of an owner-manager; it is he who sets the price of officers' commissions and must ensure that his men are properly clothed, equipped, and armed, in conjunction with Grenadier Square. Despite the heady and often expensive responsibilities of the rank, many regimental colonels also lead their regiments into battle.
Humanity in the Infinite Sea is best seen as a pyramid. At the bottom sit 99.5% of the human race: those lacking the ability to sense the Bane within all living and formerly living things. This inability marks them as 'baneless.' The remaining 0.5% who do possess banesense are known as 'banebloods.'
In the Northern Kingdoms (including Tierra and Antar), one of the most important social distinctions is that of baneblood. Only banebloods may inherit noble titles, rule as monarchs, or become knights of any of the religious orders. This means that in the Northern Kingdoms, the term 'baneblood' is almost synonymous with 'hereditary nobility.' While there are banebloods without titles, they are still part of the aristocracy, a social class which no baneless person may enter. In the interests of protecting both their noble blood and their pool of banebloods, every single one of the Northern Kingdoms maintains laws that prevent banebloods from marrying or having intimate relations with anyone else, save other banebloods. Harsh punishments up to and including summary execution are used to enforce these laws.
Of all human banebloods, perhaps one in one hundred are able to manipulate the Bane and bend it to their own will. They have the capability of influencing the objects and living things in which the Bane resides with the aid of material components like baneseals. These gifted few are known as banecasters.
While banecasters may be born from the union of any two banebloods, the child of a baneblooded parent and a baneless parent will not possess the banesense, nor will any of their descendants. These offspring are referred to as 'deathborn,' and face a great deal of stigma within the societies of the Northern Kingdoms, oft seen as morally bankrupt and mentally deficient due to the 'unnatural' circumstances of their birth.
In the Northern Kingdoms (including Tierra and Antar), one of the most important social distinctions is that of baneblood. Only banebloods may inherit noble titles, rule as monarchs, or become knights of any of the religious orders. This means that in the Northern Kingdoms, the term 'baneblood' is almost synonymous with 'hereditary nobility.' While there are banebloods without titles, they are still part of the aristocracy, a social class which no baneless person may enter. In the interests of protecting both their noble blood and their pool of banebloods, every single one of the Northern Kingdoms maintains laws that prevent banebloods from marrying or having intimate relations with anyone else, save other banebloods. Harsh punishments up to and including summary execution are used to enforce these laws.
Of all human banebloods, perhaps one in one hundred are able to manipulate the Bane and bend it to their own will. They have the capability of influencing the objects and living things in which the Bane resides with the aid of material components like baneseals. These gifted few are known as banecasters.
While banecasters may be born from the union of any two banebloods, the child of a baneblooded parent and a baneless parent will not possess the banesense, nor will any of their descendants. These offspring are referred to as 'deathborn,' and face a great deal of stigma within the societies of the Northern Kingdoms, oft seen as morally bankrupt and mentally deficient due to the 'unnatural' circumstances of their birth.
Banecasting is an exceptionally versatile and powerful ability when used properly, prized throughout the human realms of the Infinite Sea. Banecasters have been able to heal otherwise fatal wounds, turn the tide of battles, and create armour and weapons of impossible durability and strength. However, this immense power is limited by four main constraints: natural ability, resources, casting medium, and the laws of physics.
The first and often considered most important constraint is that of the natural ability of the human component. Banecasters are only born from the exalted ranks of the banebloods, and even a child of the blood has only a one-in-one-hundred chance of being gifted with the mental traits that allow him to bend the Bane to his or her will. In addition, all banecasters might be trained, but their ability to implement their training varies from individual to individual.
In the Northern Kingdoms, human banecasters are subject to a series of tests shortly after puberty. These tests, originally devised by the Kian, serve to rank the banecaster based on their potential into one of ten calibres; banecasters of the first calibre have very little ability, while banecasters of the ninth calibre are capable of such awe-inspiring feats as pulling entire buildings down with their power or summoning gouts of blue or green banefire hot enough to incinerate human bodies instantly. Banecasters of the tenth calibre exist only in theory, and none have ever been known to exist.
The second constraint is that of the material components needed for any sort of banecast: baneseals. These are discs of wax, approximately 10 cm in width and 5 cm thick, attached to a strip of parchment paper upon which banerunes are written in fresh blood (be it human or otherwise). These seals serve as the anchor points which focus the caster's mental powers and allows them to be amplified and channelled properly into the casting medium. Baneseals must be arranged in the proper pattern to achieve the desired effect of the cast. While simple procedures like the creation of heat or the minor acceleration of entropy might be achieved with a few dozen baneseals, more complex casts, including the much-studied and extremely difficult process of healing injuries and wounds, can require hundreds of seals and multilayered patterns that might take hours to prepare. In addition, banecasting is a physically and mentally exhausting activity, partially due to the fact that the process of casting also syphons off a small amount of the caster's own Bane. Those casters who use their powers regularly often live considerably shorter lives, withering away by the age of sixty-five from a combination of mental and physical fatigue.
The third constraint stems from the nature of the Bane itself, as it is an entity which only exists within objects which are or were recently alive. As a result, banecasting can only directly affect those sorts of materials. This is why baneseals must be marked with fresh blood, why armour and weapons must have runes etched into them and be anointed with oils in order to become bane-hardened or otherwise enchanted, and why weapons such as the longbow, with its wooden arrows so easily stopped by banecasting, have long been made obsolete as weapons of war.
The last constraint should be self-explanatory: even banecasters must respect the laws of inertia, thermodynamics, and conservation of matter. For example, their ability to 'create' heat is merely the temporary conversion of the Bane into heat. If there is no source of Bane nearby to be used, there is no way to cast.
The first and often considered most important constraint is that of the natural ability of the human component. Banecasters are only born from the exalted ranks of the banebloods, and even a child of the blood has only a one-in-one-hundred chance of being gifted with the mental traits that allow him to bend the Bane to his or her will. In addition, all banecasters might be trained, but their ability to implement their training varies from individual to individual.
In the Northern Kingdoms, human banecasters are subject to a series of tests shortly after puberty. These tests, originally devised by the Kian, serve to rank the banecaster based on their potential into one of ten calibres; banecasters of the first calibre have very little ability, while banecasters of the ninth calibre are capable of such awe-inspiring feats as pulling entire buildings down with their power or summoning gouts of blue or green banefire hot enough to incinerate human bodies instantly. Banecasters of the tenth calibre exist only in theory, and none have ever been known to exist.
The second constraint is that of the material components needed for any sort of banecast: baneseals. These are discs of wax, approximately 10 cm in width and 5 cm thick, attached to a strip of parchment paper upon which banerunes are written in fresh blood (be it human or otherwise). These seals serve as the anchor points which focus the caster's mental powers and allows them to be amplified and channelled properly into the casting medium. Baneseals must be arranged in the proper pattern to achieve the desired effect of the cast. While simple procedures like the creation of heat or the minor acceleration of entropy might be achieved with a few dozen baneseals, more complex casts, including the much-studied and extremely difficult process of healing injuries and wounds, can require hundreds of seals and multilayered patterns that might take hours to prepare. In addition, banecasting is a physically and mentally exhausting activity, partially due to the fact that the process of casting also syphons off a small amount of the caster's own Bane. Those casters who use their powers regularly often live considerably shorter lives, withering away by the age of sixty-five from a combination of mental and physical fatigue.
The third constraint stems from the nature of the Bane itself, as it is an entity which only exists within objects which are or were recently alive. As a result, banecasting can only directly affect those sorts of materials. This is why baneseals must be marked with fresh blood, why armour and weapons must have runes etched into them and be anointed with oils in order to become bane-hardened or otherwise enchanted, and why weapons such as the longbow, with its wooden arrows so easily stopped by banecasting, have long been made obsolete as weapons of war.
The last constraint should be self-explanatory: even banecasters must respect the laws of inertia, thermodynamics, and conservation of matter. For example, their ability to 'create' heat is merely the temporary conversion of the Bane into heat. If there is no source of Bane nearby to be used, there is no way to cast.
The Northern Kingdoms are relatively unified under the worship of the Pantheons of the Saintly Martyrs. Saintly Martyrs (or Saints, as they are more commonly referred to) are baneblooded exemplars who met their deaths in a way which allowed them entry into one of multiple pantheons, the most prominent of these being the Pantheon of the Red, the Pantheon of the Blue, and the Pantheon of the Green.
Saints of the Red die in battle, struck down in their moment of triumph whilst leading their soldiers to victory or in the final moment of a desperate last stand, staving off a hopeless situation. Saints of the Blue die protecting the weak and innocent against injustice, calamity, or tyranny. Saints of the Green sacrifice their lives for the pursuit of knowledge, exploring the unknown or long-lost.
The process of canonizing a Saint is very simple. Any baneblooded individual can make a shrine to a Martyr: a flame which must burn continually for an entire year in the presence of one of the Chapterhouses of an established order. As long as the fire does not go out and is not put out by some proactive critic for that year, the deceased in question is considered sainted, and dispensation is made to create an order of knighthood for them.
Knightly Orders are powerful organizations. Only the baneblooded can apply to become knights. The baneless and deathborn can only join on the explicit invitation of the Grand Master of the Order. These knights seek martyrdom in the manner of their Saint's pantheon. Knights of the Red are, for example, determined to die in battle and often lead armies from the front. Below them are their baneless compatriots, or Seekers, who serve as clerical workers and priests, as well as attendants and retainers. It is believed that there is no distinction made between Seekers and Knights after death, so long as they gain martyrdom. Baneless and baneblooded alike, their Patron Saint awaits them in a shining palace, ready to induct them into his or her celestial retinue.
Knights of the Red are often the most politically powerful of the orders. Focused on martial prowess, they naturally carry a great deal of influence both in inter-ordinal politics and within their host states. They are commonly referred to as the 'Orders-Militant.' The representatives of these orders meet semi-regularly in the Principality of Mersdon to discuss politics and dictate policy. In addition, the Convocation of the Orders-Militant (as this meeting is called) has the ability to declare Holy War. They may proclaim a state Pariah-Among-Nations, which gives the targeted state a choice: either to immediately put their entire ruling house to the sword or face invasion by the assembled Knights of the Red, a prospect which would inevitably lead to destruction.
The League of Antar possesses a similar but different religious system. About three hundred years ago, certain theologians speculated about a 'Mother of Ascension,' a supreme being who alone adjudicated the saintly status of a martyr. One of the earliest adherents to this belief was Prince Eugen of Antagia, the founder of the League of Antar. As a result, the Ascensionist Heresy became the state religion of Antar, and its Church Hussars fight not for individual Saints but for the Mother, depicted as an impossibly beautiful winged woman in her early middle age, clad in a suit of silver armour.
Saints of the Red die in battle, struck down in their moment of triumph whilst leading their soldiers to victory or in the final moment of a desperate last stand, staving off a hopeless situation. Saints of the Blue die protecting the weak and innocent against injustice, calamity, or tyranny. Saints of the Green sacrifice their lives for the pursuit of knowledge, exploring the unknown or long-lost.
The process of canonizing a Saint is very simple. Any baneblooded individual can make a shrine to a Martyr: a flame which must burn continually for an entire year in the presence of one of the Chapterhouses of an established order. As long as the fire does not go out and is not put out by some proactive critic for that year, the deceased in question is considered sainted, and dispensation is made to create an order of knighthood for them.
Knightly Orders are powerful organizations. Only the baneblooded can apply to become knights. The baneless and deathborn can only join on the explicit invitation of the Grand Master of the Order. These knights seek martyrdom in the manner of their Saint's pantheon. Knights of the Red are, for example, determined to die in battle and often lead armies from the front. Below them are their baneless compatriots, or Seekers, who serve as clerical workers and priests, as well as attendants and retainers. It is believed that there is no distinction made between Seekers and Knights after death, so long as they gain martyrdom. Baneless and baneblooded alike, their Patron Saint awaits them in a shining palace, ready to induct them into his or her celestial retinue.
Knights of the Red are often the most politically powerful of the orders. Focused on martial prowess, they naturally carry a great deal of influence both in inter-ordinal politics and within their host states. They are commonly referred to as the 'Orders-Militant.' The representatives of these orders meet semi-regularly in the Principality of Mersdon to discuss politics and dictate policy. In addition, the Convocation of the Orders-Militant (as this meeting is called) has the ability to declare Holy War. They may proclaim a state Pariah-Among-Nations, which gives the targeted state a choice: either to immediately put their entire ruling house to the sword or face invasion by the assembled Knights of the Red, a prospect which would inevitably lead to destruction.
The League of Antar possesses a similar but different religious system. About three hundred years ago, certain theologians speculated about a 'Mother of Ascension,' a supreme being who alone adjudicated the saintly status of a martyr. One of the earliest adherents to this belief was Prince Eugen of Antagia, the founder of the League of Antar. As a result, the Ascensionist Heresy became the state religion of Antar, and its Church Hussars fight not for individual Saints but for the Mother, depicted as an impossibly beautiful winged woman in her early middle age, clad in a suit of silver armour.
Though relatively uncomplicated by the standards of the Great Powers, the ranks and titles of the Tierran nobility have been known to cause some trouble for those unversed in the history and political structure of the Unified Kingdom. Thankfully, the Tierran peerage does maintain some semblance of internal logic; titles are based almost entirely on the manner in which the holders of those titles first joined the Unified Kingdom during the great Wars of Unification, which ended some eighty years ago. These titles are, from highest-ranking to lowest:
DUKES/DUCHESSES: The highest level of the peerage short of royalty itself. The first dukes of Aetoria were the rulers of the kingdoms which had allied with Edwin the Strong during the initial formation of the Unified Kingdoms. Aside from the royal family's possession of the title of the Dukedom of Aetoria, there are also the Dukedoms of Cunaris, Havenport, Warburton, and Wulfram. Duchies consist of massive swathes of land and tens if not hundreds of thousands of crown's worth of property. Their House Guards number in the hundreds. Unlike the lesser peers of the realm, dukes and duchesses are styled "His/Her Grace."
MARQUESSES/MARCHIONESSES: During the Wars of Unification, House Rendower made the rather inspired move of offering high office and titles to those vassals of rival petty kingdoms willing to betray their masters and swear themselves to the service of the Unified Kingdom. The few noble families who did so were given this title, though little in the way of new lands or holdings. As a result, while the dozen or so marquesses in the peerage are theoretically senior to their former overlords, a typical marquess can only call upon a fraction of the resources available to a typical earl or viscount.
EARLS/COUNTESSES: This exalted title belongs to those independent monarchs who did not willingly submit themselves to Tierran authority at first. For example, the first Earl of Leoniscourt was once monarch of his own petty kingdom. It was only after a decade of war that King Callum the Cruel of House Cazarosta negotiated a surrender with King Edwin I. Other earldoms include those of Castermaine and Weathern. Earldoms are usually wealthy tracts of lands, or ones in control of lucrative monopolies worth tens of thousands of crown. They are often in control of dozens or hundreds of retainers.
VISCOUNTS/VISCOUNTESSES: King Edwin the Strong's allies were not the only ones rewarded for helping unify Tierra. The most powerful vassals and younger offspring of the new dukes of Tierra were made viscounts. Families like the Hartigans of Hugh and the Hunters of Wolfswood were given new lands confiscated from enemy noble houses rendered extinct, often worth thousands of crown, as recompense.
BARONS/BARONESSES: The descendants of those landholders who had once carved out their own meagre estates during the long centuries between the Fall of Calligia and the rise of Edwin the Strong became barons with the establishment of the Unified Kingdom. Though often old in name and honours, they rarely possess particularly wealthy properties. Few of the two hundred and sixty-three baronies scattered throughout the Unified Kingdom exceed more than two thousand crown in worth; a fortune for a commoner but insignificant to more powerful families.
BARONETS/BARONETESSES: To fund the construction of a new fleet and the establishment of the shadowy apparatuses of Royal Intelligence, King Edmund II established the title of baronet in OIE 559. For a one-time price ranging anywhere from one to eight thousand crown, a rich baneblood without noble holdings might buy themselves and their descendants a noble title. Though the title does not entitle the holder to estates, the right to sit on the Cortes, or any other substantive privileges, it does allow the holder to style themselves Lord/Lady and has proven very popular. There are currently about sixty baronetcies in circulation.
PRIVILEGES OF NOBILITY: Hereditary nobles in Tierra (aside from baronets) are provided with a great deal of advantages by the Crown. For example, they are exempt from royal taxes (unless they were to take up any trade except military service), and they have the right to maintain men under arms as personal sworn retainers, levy land taxes, and act as justices of the peace towards commoners residing in their holdings where matters of property or civil law are concerned.
DUKES/DUCHESSES: The highest level of the peerage short of royalty itself. The first dukes of Aetoria were the rulers of the kingdoms which had allied with Edwin the Strong during the initial formation of the Unified Kingdoms. Aside from the royal family's possession of the title of the Dukedom of Aetoria, there are also the Dukedoms of Cunaris, Havenport, Warburton, and Wulfram. Duchies consist of massive swathes of land and tens if not hundreds of thousands of crown's worth of property. Their House Guards number in the hundreds. Unlike the lesser peers of the realm, dukes and duchesses are styled "His/Her Grace."
MARQUESSES/MARCHIONESSES: During the Wars of Unification, House Rendower made the rather inspired move of offering high office and titles to those vassals of rival petty kingdoms willing to betray their masters and swear themselves to the service of the Unified Kingdom. The few noble families who did so were given this title, though little in the way of new lands or holdings. As a result, while the dozen or so marquesses in the peerage are theoretically senior to their former overlords, a typical marquess can only call upon a fraction of the resources available to a typical earl or viscount.
EARLS/COUNTESSES: This exalted title belongs to those independent monarchs who did not willingly submit themselves to Tierran authority at first. For example, the first Earl of Leoniscourt was once monarch of his own petty kingdom. It was only after a decade of war that King Callum the Cruel of House Cazarosta negotiated a surrender with King Edwin I. Other earldoms include those of Castermaine and Weathern. Earldoms are usually wealthy tracts of lands, or ones in control of lucrative monopolies worth tens of thousands of crown. They are often in control of dozens or hundreds of retainers.
VISCOUNTS/VISCOUNTESSES: King Edwin the Strong's allies were not the only ones rewarded for helping unify Tierra. The most powerful vassals and younger offspring of the new dukes of Tierra were made viscounts. Families like the Hartigans of Hugh and the Hunters of Wolfswood were given new lands confiscated from enemy noble houses rendered extinct, often worth thousands of crown, as recompense.
BARONS/BARONESSES: The descendants of those landholders who had once carved out their own meagre estates during the long centuries between the Fall of Calligia and the rise of Edwin the Strong became barons with the establishment of the Unified Kingdom. Though often old in name and honours, they rarely possess particularly wealthy properties. Few of the two hundred and sixty-three baronies scattered throughout the Unified Kingdom exceed more than two thousand crown in worth; a fortune for a commoner but insignificant to more powerful families.
BARONETS/BARONETESSES: To fund the construction of a new fleet and the establishment of the shadowy apparatuses of Royal Intelligence, King Edmund II established the title of baronet in OIE 559. For a one-time price ranging anywhere from one to eight thousand crown, a rich baneblood without noble holdings might buy themselves and their descendants a noble title. Though the title does not entitle the holder to estates, the right to sit on the Cortes, or any other substantive privileges, it does allow the holder to style themselves Lord/Lady and has proven very popular. There are currently about sixty baronetcies in circulation.
PRIVILEGES OF NOBILITY: Hereditary nobles in Tierra (aside from baronets) are provided with a great deal of advantages by the Crown. For example, they are exempt from royal taxes (unless they were to take up any trade except military service), and they have the right to maintain men under arms as personal sworn retainers, levy land taxes, and act as justices of the peace towards commoners residing in their holdings where matters of property or civil law are concerned.
ex: "Antar has been in decline since King Alaric's War."
The League of Antar, a Great Power which dominates the Calligian continent in the north of the Infinite Sea. Currently at war with the Unified Kingdom of Tierra. The Antari are led by a strong-willed and unfettered aristocracy who govern the country through a noble-exclusive legislature called the League Congress.
ex: "The Bane permeates all things, and cannot be escaped."
An energy that exists in all things living or once living. Can be sensed by banebloods and used by banecasters to perform acts of what could be loosely described as 'magic.'
ex: "Despite his wealth, he could never be counted a member of the nobility, for he was not baneblooded."
A person with the hereditary capability of sensing the Bane (banesense), a gift possesed by less than one in three thousand humans. A child is only certain to inherit this ability if both parents are baneblooded. In the Northern Kingdoms, 'baneblood' is synonymous with 'nobility.' Approximately one in twenty banebloods are banecasters, as well.
ex: "I did not linger, for it is unwise to anger such a powerful banecaster."
A baneblood with the ability to manipulate the Bane to serve their own purpose with the aid of a banepattern. Human banecasters are measured in calibres, from first to tenth.
ex: "Bane-hardened plate can deflect musket balls at a range of ten metres."
A term to describe armour which has been hardened via banecasting by one of the chantries of the Orders-Militant. Bane-hardened armour is immensely expensive to make. Only Knights of the Red and Church Hussars are allowed the privilege of wearing bane-hardened armour in the Northern Kingdoms.
ex: "The vast majority of the population of the Northern Kingdoms is baneless."
A term referring to a person without banesense. In the Northern Kingdoms, it is almost synonymous with a person who does not possess noble blood. The pairing of a baneless and baneblooded parent results in a deathborn.
ex: "The banepattern was immensely complex and took several days to assemble."
A specially designed pattern of baneseals (specially made wax seals) which allows a banecaster to channel the Bane into performing in a particular manner. Banepatterns usually consist of anywhere from fifty to three thousand baneseals.
ex: "They charged with fixed bayonets and began a fearful slaughter."
A long steel spike approximately 75 cm long, designed to be affixed to the barrel of an infantry musket so that it might be used as a short polearm. Named after the Kian Army of the Northern Sea (Baionne J'oune), who first issued the weapon to its infantrymen nearly five centuries ago.
ex: "He was a banecaster of the third calibre, barely worth mentioning."
A scale of measurement of a banecaster's ability, with first calibre being the weakest and tenth being the strongest.
ex: "It is at least a week's sail from Tannersburg to the southern coast of Calligia."
The northernmost continent in the Infinite Sea. Ruled over by the League of Antar. Southern Calligia is currently occupied by the forces of the Unified Kingdom of Tierra.
ex: "He carried a short carbine in one hand and a sabre in the other."
A shortened version of the musket designed to be used from horseback. Usually rifled to increase accuracy.
ex: "A regiment of cavalry."
Soldiers who fight from horseback. They usually fight with pistols, short carbines, or some sort of melee weapon.
ex: "The motion was rejected by the Cortes."
The legislative branch of the Tierran Government, which votes to approve or deny funding to edicts declared by the Monarch. Members of the Cortes also have the limited right to present motions of their own. The Cortes is made up of the heads of every baneblooded house in Tierra.SEE: BANEBLOOD
ex: "Three or four cuirassiers rode from the fort."
Heavy cavalry wearing heavy steel breastplates and armed with long, straight-bladed broadswords. Considered the most prestigious of all cavalry.
ex: "He is not to be trusted, for he is deathborn."
The child of a baneblooded mother who lacks banesense themselves. Since the likelihood that a child born of two baneblooded parents will inherit banesense themselves approaches certainty, deathborn children are almost certainly the result of the mother's adultery. Deathborn are considered mentally deficient and naturally untrustworthy.
ex: "Dragonlocks can fire even in the most wretched conditions."
A firearm which uses a small bane-runed pearl to ignite a loaded powder charge instead of the traditional flintlock mechanism. Such weapons are far less likely to misfire and, as the mechanism does not need to be primed, can be loaded far faster than a flintlock weapon. They are, however, considerably more expensive.
ex: "Dragoons are rated as barely cavalry by some."
Light cavalry armed with curved sabres and rifled carbines, capable of fighting dismounted as well as on horseback.
ex: "The er'venne are arrogant by culture, not by birth."
A Kian term referring to a species very closely resembling humanity in form and appearance. Not only do er'venne (or "elves") possess greater lifespans than humans, they are also universally blessed with baneblood and the ability to banecast without restriction. This has allowed Takara, one of their larger nations, to become one of the greatest military powers in creation.
ex: "'The falkisch are superior to humans in every respect,' pontificated the arrogant er'venne."
The Takaran term for er'venne in general, or for Takaran citizens in general.
ex: "Regiment of Foot"
Soldiers who march, fight, and die on their feet.
ex: "Lesser nations cower when the Great Powers strut and bluster across the Infinite Sea's stage."
The four mightiest military and economic powers in creation. Despite occasional civil wars and changes in governments, the four Great Powers themselves have remained Kian'Zi, Takara, Antar, and M'hidyos for the past three centuries.
ex: "We have orders from Grenadier Square to take the fortress immediately."
A series of buildings in Aetoria enclosing a square courtyard. Serves as both home barracks for the Grenadier Guards Regiment and as headquarters of the Royal Army.
ex: "Grim-faced and determined, the Grenadiers did not halt their advance."
Line infantry armed with cast-iron hand grenades in addition to muskets and bayonets. Distinguished by their tall bearskin hats. Considered the most elite of all infantry.
ex: "Regiment of Horse"
Soldiers who fight from horseback.
ex: "The Hussars bore down on us like angry gods."
Heavy cavalry exclusively composed of the Antari nobility. Equivalent to the Knights of the Red in other Northern Kingdoms. Equipped with bane-hardened armour and enchanted weaponry. When entering battle, they characteristically wear contraptions of steel and eagle feathers on their saddles, which are meant to represent angel wings.
ex: "A unit of infantry."
Soldiers who fight on foot. Usually unarmoured and armed with a musket and a bayonet.
ex: "The Kian style of war emphasizes field artillery over all other arms."
The Dominions of the Kian'Zi, a great power ruling the southern continent of the Infinite Sea. A loose confederation of states owning loyalty to the ruling house of Zi'enne, Kian'Zi is embroiled in a long-running antagonism with Takara. They are possessed of the finest and largest army in creation.
ex: "He wore the armour and golden spurs of a Knight of the Red."
A high-ranking, baneblooded member of one of the Orders-Militant. Knights of the Red have the right to wear bane-hardened plate armour and wield enchanted weapons in battle. The Antari instead have Church Hussars.
ex: "The lancers charged the enemy."
Cavalry armed with long lances and mounted on nimble horses for the purpose of fighting other cavalry.
ex: "The light infantry advanced under cover of darkness."
Skirmish infantry who fight in loose formation. Usually armed with a rifled musket or similar weapon.
ex: "A company of line infantry, marching to the fife and drum."
Infantry trained to fight in tight, disciplined formation under close supervision by officers and NCOs. Two thirds of the Tierran Army is made up of line infantry.
ex: "The civil war in M'hidyos shows no sign of resolving itself."
Covenant of the M'hidyossi, formerly dominant in the eastern portion of the Infinite Sea. M'hidyos was once governed by a secular monarch and a religious patriarch in concert, but disputes between various court and clerical factions have led to the eruption of a violent and long-running civil war.
ex: "He slung his musket over his shoulder."
A firearm approximately 150 cm long which uses a flintlock mechanism to fire a lead ball out of a steel barrel. Used almost exclusively by infantry. A well-trained soldier can fire three to five shots a minute. Muskets are accurate up to about a hundred paces. Most muskets are capable of mounting a bayonet.
ex: "The Northern Keep maintains oversight over all high-level functions of the Army."
The oldest and largest of Aetoria's fortresses. Serves as the official residence of the King of Tierra.
ex: "All the Northern Kingdoms combined could not stand up to the Takaran military for more than a month."
A term of Kian origin referring to the island kingdoms in between the four Great Powers. While nominally independent, these nations exist almost exclusively through alignment with one of the four Great Powers, with the exception of Tierra and Mersdon.
ex: "The lifetime of devoted study demanded of a Knight of the Orders-Aspirant is a form of martyrdom in itself."
A collective term for the orders of knighthood devoted to the Saints of the Green, those Saints who 'martyred' themselves by devoting their entire lives to the pursuit of knowledge. Knights of the Orders-Aspirant must swear oaths of celibacy, poverty, and non-violence. They form the intellectual elite of the Northern Kingdoms and often serve as faculty in institutes of higher learning, like the Royal University at Aetoria.
ex: "He was made a knight of the Orders-Militant."
A collective term for the orders of knighthood devoted to the Saints of the Red, Saints who achieved martyrdom in battle. The baneblooded Knights of the Orders-Militant have the right to wear bane-hardened plate and wield bane-hardened weapons. They often fight as elite heavy cavalry or shock infantry.
SEE: BANEBLOOD, CHURCH HUSSARS (their Antari equivalent), SAINTS
ex: "It is generally accounted a grievous crime to fire upon a bane-healer of the Orders-Succorant."
A collective term for the orders of knighthood devoted to the Saints of the Blue, Saints who achieved martyrdom through the protection or material salvation of the powerless and innocent. Knights of the Orders-Succorant must swear oaths of celibacy, poverty, and non-violence. Those among their number with banecasting abilities receive training to use these talents to tend to the injuries and illnesses of others, and are referred to as bane-healers.
ex: "Repeated firing wore out the rifling in the barrel."
Spiral grooves machined into the inside of the barrel of a firearm, imparting a spin onto any shot fired from it, increasing accuracy.
ex: "After her death, she was made a Saint of the Blue."
Short for Saintly Martyr, a baneblood who is venerated and elevated to a figure of worship due to the heroic or admirable circumstances of their death. Saint-worship is the predominant faith in the Northern Kingdoms. All Saints have an order of knighthood associated with them.
ex: "Takara will respond to grievous insults with military force." Dir Altrichs vam Takara, a great power situated in the western portion of the Infinite Sea. Takara is governed and populated by the er'venne and is in a long-burning antagonism with Kian'Zi. They are possessed of a mighty army and the most feared navy in creation. They are ruled by a popularly elected legislative body called the Richsenaat, which is presided over by a hereditary president, the Aldkizern.
ex: "It is said that Tierra is merely a hodgepodge of regions ruled by a single monarchy." The Unified Kingdom of Tierra, a regional power and one of the strongest of the Northern Kingdoms. Tierra is ruled by an aristocratic legislature led by a hereditary monarch. While considered a second-rate power, Tierra is currently challenging the Great Power status of the League of Antar in a protracted war.
ex: "Antar has been in decline since King Alaric's War."
The League of Antar, a Great Power which dominates the Calligian continent in the north of the Infinite Sea. Currently at war with the Unified Kingdom of Tierra. The Antari are led by a strong-willed and unfettered aristocracy who govern the country through a noble-exclusive legislature called the League Congress.
ex: "The Bane permeates all things, and cannot be escaped."
An energy that exists in all things living or once living. Can be sensed by banebloods and used by banecasters to perform acts of what could be loosely described as 'magic.'
ex: "Despite his wealth, he could never be counted a member of the nobility, for he was not baneblooded."
A person with the hereditary capability of sensing the Bane (banesense), a gift possesed by less than one in three thousand humans. A child is only certain to inherit this ability if both parents are baneblooded. In the Northern Kingdoms, 'baneblood' is synonymous with 'nobility.' Approximately one in twenty banebloods are banecasters, as well.
ex: "I did not linger, for it is unwise to anger such a powerful banecaster."
A baneblood with the ability to manipulate the Bane to serve their own purpose with the aid of a banepattern. Human banecasters are measured in calibres, from first to tenth.
ex: "Bane-hardened plate can deflect musket balls at a range of ten metres."
A term to describe armour which has been hardened via banecasting by one of the chantries of the Orders-Militant. Bane-hardened armour is immensely expensive to make. Only Knights of the Red and Church Hussars are allowed the privilege of wearing bane-hardened armour in the Northern Kingdoms.
ex: "The vast majority of the population of the Northern Kingdoms is baneless."
A term referring to a person without banesense. In the Northern Kingdoms, it is almost synonymous with a person who does not possess noble blood. The pairing of a baneless and baneblooded parent results in a deathborn.
ex: "The banepattern was immensely complex and took several days to assemble."
A specially designed pattern of baneseals (specially made wax seals) which allows a banecaster to channel the Bane into performing in a particular manner. Banepatterns usually consist of anywhere from fifty to three thousand baneseals.
ex: "They charged with fixed bayonets and began a fearful slaughter."
A long steel spike approximately 75 cm long, designed to be affixed to the barrel of an infantry musket so that it might be used as a short polearm. Named after the Kian Army of the Northern Sea (Baionne J'oune), who first issued the weapon to its infantrymen nearly five centuries ago.
ex: "He was a banecaster of the third calibre, barely worth mentioning."
A scale of measurement of a banecaster's ability, with first calibre being the weakest and tenth being the strongest.
ex: "It is at least a week's sail from Tannersburg to the southern coast of Calligia."
The northernmost continent in the Infinite Sea. Ruled over by the League of Antar. Southern Calligia is currently occupied by the forces of the Unified Kingdom of Tierra.
ex: "He carried a short carbine in one hand and a sabre in the other."
A shortened version of the musket designed to be used from horseback. Usually rifled to increase accuracy.
ex: "A regiment of cavalry."
Soldiers who fight from horseback. They usually fight with pistols, short carbines, or some sort of melee weapon.
ex: "The motion was rejected by the Cortes."
The legislative branch of the Tierran Government, which votes to approve or deny funding to edicts declared by the Monarch. Members of the Cortes also have the limited right to present motions of their own. The Cortes is made up of the heads of every baneblooded house in Tierra.SEE: BANEBLOOD
ex: "Three or four cuirassiers rode from the fort."
Heavy cavalry wearing heavy steel breastplates and armed with long, straight-bladed broadswords. Considered the most prestigious of all cavalry.
ex: "He is not to be trusted, for he is deathborn."
The child of a baneblooded mother who lacks banesense themselves. Since the likelihood that a child born of two baneblooded parents will inherit banesense themselves approaches certainty, deathborn children are almost certainly the result of the mother's adultery. Deathborn are considered mentally deficient and naturally untrustworthy.
ex: "Dragonlocks can fire even in the most wretched conditions."
A firearm which uses a small bane-runed pearl to ignite a loaded powder charge instead of the traditional flintlock mechanism. Such weapons are far less likely to misfire and, as the mechanism does not need to be primed, can be loaded far faster than a flintlock weapon. They are, however, considerably more expensive.
ex: "Dragoons are rated as barely cavalry by some."
Light cavalry armed with curved sabres and rifled carbines, capable of fighting dismounted as well as on horseback.
ex: "The er'venne are arrogant by culture, not by birth."
A Kian term referring to a species very closely resembling humanity in form and appearance. Not only do er'venne (or "elves") possess greater lifespans than humans, they are also universally blessed with baneblood and the ability to banecast without restriction. This has allowed Takara, one of their larger nations, to become one of the greatest military powers in creation.
ex: "'The falkisch are superior to humans in every respect,' pontificated the arrogant er'venne."
The Takaran term for er'venne in general, or for Takaran citizens in general.
ex: "Regiment of Foot"
Soldiers who march, fight, and die on their feet.
ex: "Lesser nations cower when the Great Powers strut and bluster across the Infinite Sea's stage."
The four mightiest military and economic powers in creation. Despite occasional civil wars and changes in governments, the four Great Powers themselves have remained Kian'Zi, Takara, Antar, and M'hidyos for the past three centuries.
ex: "We have orders from Grenadier Square to take the fortress immediately."
A series of buildings in Aetoria enclosing a square courtyard. Serves as both home barracks for the Grenadier Guards Regiment and as headquarters of the Royal Army.
ex: "Grim-faced and determined, the Grenadiers did not halt their advance."
Line infantry armed with cast-iron hand grenades in addition to muskets and bayonets. Distinguished by their tall bearskin hats. Considered the most elite of all infantry.
ex: "Regiment of Horse"
Soldiers who fight from horseback.
ex: "The Hussars bore down on us like angry gods."
Heavy cavalry exclusively composed of the Antari nobility. Equivalent to the Knights of the Red in other Northern Kingdoms. Equipped with bane-hardened armour and enchanted weaponry. When entering battle, they characteristically wear contraptions of steel and eagle feathers on their saddles, which are meant to represent angel wings.
ex: "A unit of infantry."
Soldiers who fight on foot. Usually unarmoured and armed with a musket and a bayonet.
ex: "The Kian style of war emphasizes field artillery over all other arms."
The Dominions of the Kian'Zi, a great power ruling the southern continent of the Infinite Sea. A loose confederation of states owning loyalty to the ruling house of Zi'enne, Kian'Zi is embroiled in a long-running antagonism with Takara. They are possessed of the finest and largest army in creation.
ex: "He wore the armour and golden spurs of a Knight of the Red."
A high-ranking, baneblooded member of one of the Orders-Militant. Knights of the Red have the right to wear bane-hardened plate armour and wield enchanted weapons in battle. The Antari instead have Church Hussars.
ex: "The lancers charged the enemy."
Cavalry armed with long lances and mounted on nimble horses for the purpose of fighting other cavalry.
ex: "The light infantry advanced under cover of darkness."
Skirmish infantry who fight in loose formation. Usually armed with a rifled musket or similar weapon.
ex: "A company of line infantry, marching to the fife and drum."
Infantry trained to fight in tight, disciplined formation under close supervision by officers and NCOs. Two thirds of the Tierran Army is made up of line infantry.
ex: "The civil war in M'hidyos shows no sign of resolving itself."
Covenant of the M'hidyossi, formerly dominant in the eastern portion of the Infinite Sea. M'hidyos was once governed by a secular monarch and a religious patriarch in concert, but disputes between various court and clerical factions have led to the eruption of a violent and long-running civil war.
ex: "He slung his musket over his shoulder."
A firearm approximately 150 cm long which uses a flintlock mechanism to fire a lead ball out of a steel barrel. Used almost exclusively by infantry. A well-trained soldier can fire three to five shots a minute. Muskets are accurate up to about a hundred paces. Most muskets are capable of mounting a bayonet.
ex: "The Northern Keep maintains oversight over all high-level functions of the Army."
The oldest and largest of Aetoria's fortresses. Serves as the official residence of the King of Tierra.
ex: "All the Northern Kingdoms combined could not stand up to the Takaran military for more than a month."
A term of Kian origin referring to the island kingdoms in between the four Great Powers. While nominally independent, these nations exist almost exclusively through alignment with one of the four Great Powers, with the exception of Tierra and Mersdon.
ex: "The lifetime of devoted study demanded of a Knight of the Orders-Aspirant is a form of martyrdom in itself."
A collective term for the orders of knighthood devoted to the Saints of the Green, those Saints who 'martyred' themselves by devoting their entire lives to the pursuit of knowledge. Knights of the Orders-Aspirant must swear oaths of celibacy, poverty, and non-violence. They form the intellectual elite of the Northern Kingdoms and often serve as faculty in institutes of higher learning, like the Royal University at Aetoria.
ex: "He was made a knight of the Orders-Militant."
A collective term for the orders of knighthood devoted to the Saints of the Red, Saints who achieved martyrdom in battle. The baneblooded Knights of the Orders-Militant have the right to wear bane-hardened plate and wield bane-hardened weapons. They often fight as elite heavy cavalry or shock infantry.
SEE: BANEBLOOD, CHURCH HUSSARS (their Antari equivalent), SAINTS
ex: "It is generally accounted a grievous crime to fire upon a bane-healer of the Orders-Succorant."
A collective term for the orders of knighthood devoted to the Saints of the Blue, Saints who achieved martyrdom through the protection or material salvation of the powerless and innocent. Knights of the Orders-Succorant must swear oaths of celibacy, poverty, and non-violence. Those among their number with banecasting abilities receive training to use these talents to tend to the injuries and illnesses of others, and are referred to as bane-healers.
ex: "Repeated firing wore out the rifling in the barrel."
Spiral grooves machined into the inside of the barrel of a firearm, imparting a spin onto any shot fired from it, increasing accuracy.
ex: "After her death, she was made a Saint of the Blue."
Short for Saintly Martyr, a baneblood who is venerated and elevated to a figure of worship due to the heroic or admirable circumstances of their death. Saint-worship is the predominant faith in the Northern Kingdoms. All Saints have an order of knighthood associated with them.
ex: "Takara will respond to grievous insults with military force." Dir Altrichs vam Takara, a great power situated in the western portion of the Infinite Sea. Takara is governed and populated by the er'venne and is in a long-burning antagonism with Kian'Zi. They are possessed of a mighty army and the most feared navy in creation. They are ruled by a popularly elected legislative body called the Richsenaat, which is presided over by a hereditary president, the Aldkizern.
ex: "It is said that Tierra is merely a hodgepodge of regions ruled by a single monarchy." The Unified Kingdom of Tierra, a regional power and one of the strongest of the Northern Kingdoms. Tierra is ruled by an aristocratic legislature led by a hereditary monarch. While considered a second-rate power, Tierra is currently challenging the Great Power status of the League of Antar in a protracted war.
When we last left off, Lieutenant Alaric d'al Ortiga survived the Battle of Blogia by the skin of his teeth alongside Lieutenant Caius d'al Cazanostra and the two were subsequently promoted to the rank of Captain and proclaimed Knights of the Red by his Majesty Miguel I. The battle itself was devastating: Davis d'al Elson is missing (presumed dead), important officers such as Duke Wulfram and Lieutenant-Colonel Hunter are slain, and the troop of dragoons under Alaric d'al Ortiga - undisciplined, disloyal, and miserable to the end - was reduced to a handful of survivors.
What was meant to be a short campaign turned into a five year gauntlet with no end in sight, and its bloodiest battle - indeed, the bloodiest battle in the history of the Kingdom of Tierra - has just concluded with both sides seemingly the loser.
We will begin by selecting our protagonist. Guns of Infinity allows us to import a saved game from Sabres, to pick from one of four pre-made backgrounds, or to go through all the choices in the first game thus simulating a save (due to the constrains of this forum let's play format, option 3 is inaccessible.)
Since I am under the impression that some people thought it fitting that Alaric's story should end in a suicidal charge against Antari infantry, I thought it appropriate to allow a vote on a different protagonist. If one of the pre-made characters is chosen, it can be assumed that we are playing an alternate version of the events while Alaric did indeed perish in his own timeline. Please note that selecting from one of the two backgrounds (dirty scoundrel, disgraced hero) that have deserted from the Battle of Blogia will lead to a dramatically different beggining and a number of changes to the rest of the story.
1) Alaric d'al Ortiga, the sabre in the service of infinity.
Service Record: Captain Alaric d'al Ortiga KCSJ
Born in the year 588 to house Ortiga, holders of a barony sworn to the Duke of Cunaris.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken Commanding).
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant L. Hernandes as second-in-command. Took part in a successful action against an Antari force at the Kharan River Bridge autumn 602.
Acquired a promotion to lieutenant in the spring of 603.
Served on the regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-Chief, Royal Dragoons) after promotion.
Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Hernandes promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Participated in an action against Antari cavalry in spring of 607. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor Militant) that same year.
Served with great distinction at the Battle of Blogia, holding the Castle of Blogia and the extreme left flank of the Tierran line against heavy Antari attack in joint command with Lieutenant C. d'al Cazarosta. Was promoted to captain and made Knight-Companion of the Order of Saint Joshua alongside C. d'al Cazarosta by Royal Order that same year.
Note: you have chosen to import a character with relatively low personal attributes. This may make the story considerably more difficult to complete.
Note: Your character's reputation attribute has been scaled down to represent the greater scope of the story, and the fact that he is now judged as a man of some importance by persons of great power.
Born in the year 588 to house Ortiga, holders of a barony sworn to the Duke of Cunaris.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken Commanding).
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant L. Hernandes as second-in-command. Took part in a successful action against an Antari force at the Kharan River Bridge autumn 602.
Acquired a promotion to lieutenant in the spring of 603.
Served on the regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-Chief, Royal Dragoons) after promotion.
Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Hernandes promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Participated in an action against Antari cavalry in spring of 607. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor Militant) that same year.
Served with great distinction at the Battle of Blogia, holding the Castle of Blogia and the extreme left flank of the Tierran line against heavy Antari attack in joint command with Lieutenant C. d'al Cazarosta. Was promoted to captain and made Knight-Companion of the Order of Saint Joshua alongside C. d'al Cazarosta by Royal Order that same year.
Note: you have chosen to import a character with relatively low personal attributes. This may make the story considerably more difficult to complete.
Note: Your character's reputation attribute has been scaled down to represent the greater scope of the story, and the fact that he is now judged as a man of some importance by persons of great power.
2) Alaric d'al Castleton, the tactical genius.
Service Record: Captain Sir Alaric d'al Castleton, KCSJ
Born on the 14th day of the 6th month, OIE 584 to House Castleton, holders of a barony sworn to the Dukes of Wulfram.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he excelled at academic pursuits but was noted as lacking in all physical exercises. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet C. d'al Cazarosta, deathborn-bastard of the Countess of Leoniscourt.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding). Took part in a boarding action in transit in the Calligian Sea, was paid prize money but not mentioned in dispatches.
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant S. Lanzerel as second-in-command. Awarded the Gryphon of Rendower for actions leading to the capture of an Antari nobleman at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602.
Engaged in action involving violations of the Articles of War in the summer of 603. Implicated Captain D. d'al Lefebvre (Grenadiers) in illegal operations against Antari civilians. Promoted to lieutenant at the sponsorship of now-Major Hunter in the autumn of 603, for completely unrelated reasons.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning late 603. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Lanzerel promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Reports indicate that Lieutenant Castleton "pampered" his men, providing them with well-furnished quarters out of his own pocket. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Won a Meritorious Service Order in action against Antari cavalry in spring of 607, due to a successful stratagem of his own devising. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Served with great distinction at the Battle of Blogia, holding the Castle of Blogia and the extreme left flank of the Tierran line against heavy Antari attack in joint command with Lieutenant C. d'al Cazarosta. Was promoted to captain and made Knight-Companion of the Order of Saint Joshua alongside C. d'al Cazarosta by Royal Order that same year.
Sir Alaric is a man of great compassion, tempered only by the barest hint of pragmatism. While his natural aptitude for tactics has allowed him to avoid compromising his rather naive code of conduct thus far, this may change. In addition, Sir Alaric's close friendship with a deathborn like Sir Caius d'al Cazarosta may lead him astray in future. It is my personal recommendation that Sir Alaric is unsuited for command above his current level of responsibility. -Welles
As of OIE 607:
Current Wealth: 450 Tierran crown
Current Mount: A mare named Faith, 12 years of age
Current Assignment: Officer Commanding, Sixth Squadron, Royal Dragoons
Born on the 14th day of the 6th month, OIE 584 to House Castleton, holders of a barony sworn to the Dukes of Wulfram.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he excelled at academic pursuits but was noted as lacking in all physical exercises. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet C. d'al Cazarosta, deathborn-bastard of the Countess of Leoniscourt.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding). Took part in a boarding action in transit in the Calligian Sea, was paid prize money but not mentioned in dispatches.
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant S. Lanzerel as second-in-command. Awarded the Gryphon of Rendower for actions leading to the capture of an Antari nobleman at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602.
Engaged in action involving violations of the Articles of War in the summer of 603. Implicated Captain D. d'al Lefebvre (Grenadiers) in illegal operations against Antari civilians. Promoted to lieutenant at the sponsorship of now-Major Hunter in the autumn of 603, for completely unrelated reasons.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning late 603. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Lanzerel promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Reports indicate that Lieutenant Castleton "pampered" his men, providing them with well-furnished quarters out of his own pocket. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Won a Meritorious Service Order in action against Antari cavalry in spring of 607, due to a successful stratagem of his own devising. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Served with great distinction at the Battle of Blogia, holding the Castle of Blogia and the extreme left flank of the Tierran line against heavy Antari attack in joint command with Lieutenant C. d'al Cazarosta. Was promoted to captain and made Knight-Companion of the Order of Saint Joshua alongside C. d'al Cazarosta by Royal Order that same year.
Sir Alaric is a man of great compassion, tempered only by the barest hint of pragmatism. While his natural aptitude for tactics has allowed him to avoid compromising his rather naive code of conduct thus far, this may change. In addition, Sir Alaric's close friendship with a deathborn like Sir Caius d'al Cazarosta may lead him astray in future. It is my personal recommendation that Sir Alaric is unsuited for command above his current level of responsibility. -Welles
As of OIE 607:
Current Wealth: 450 Tierran crown
Current Mount: A mare named Faith, 12 years of age
Current Assignment: Officer Commanding, Sixth Squadron, Royal Dragoons
3) Louis d'al Sancroix, the consumate gentleman.
Service Record: Captain Sir Louis d'al Sancroix, KCSJ
Born on the 10th day of the 10th month, OIE 578 to House Sancroix, holders of a barony sworn to the Dukes of Cunaris.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he was noted to be highly personable but lagged behind in academic pursuits. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet D. d'al Elson, eldest son of Baron Hawthorne.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding). Awarded the Cross of Saint Jerome for leading a boarding action en route.
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant A. Harlech as second-in-command. Took part in a successful action against an Antari force at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602. Purchased promotion to lieutenant early next year.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning in early 603. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Harlech promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Reports indicate that Lieutenant Sancroix treated his men harshly, executing one for a minor infraction in early 605. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Won a Meritorious Service Order in action against Antari cavalry in spring of 607, due to a successful stratagem of Lieutenant C. d'al Cazarosta. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Served with great distinction at the Battle of Blogia, taking part in Third Squadron's repeated charges against the Antari flank and sustaining heavy losses, including the deaths of Captain Elson and Staff-sergeant Harlech. Was promoted to captain and made Knight-Companion of the Order of Saint Joshua alongside C. d'al Cazarosta by Royal Order that same year.
Sir Louis is a consummate gentleman, in the best and worst senses of the term. While he is easily capable of comporting himself well among his social equals and superiors, he has a marked lack of respect for the common man. The fact that his subordinates remain loyal to him despite this streak of ruthlessness is testament to his personal magnetism. One should think that Sir Louis is well suited for high command. -Welles
As of OIE 607:
Current Wealth: 1100 Tierran crown
Current Mount: A stallion named Thunderer, 10 years of age
Current Assignment: Officer Commanding, Sixth Squadron, Royal Dragoons
Born on the 10th day of the 10th month, OIE 578 to House Sancroix, holders of a barony sworn to the Dukes of Cunaris.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he was noted to be highly personable but lagged behind in academic pursuits. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet D. d'al Elson, eldest son of Baron Hawthorne.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding). Awarded the Cross of Saint Jerome for leading a boarding action en route.
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant A. Harlech as second-in-command. Took part in a successful action against an Antari force at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602. Purchased promotion to lieutenant early next year.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning in early 603. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Harlech promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Reports indicate that Lieutenant Sancroix treated his men harshly, executing one for a minor infraction in early 605. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Won a Meritorious Service Order in action against Antari cavalry in spring of 607, due to a successful stratagem of Lieutenant C. d'al Cazarosta. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Served with great distinction at the Battle of Blogia, taking part in Third Squadron's repeated charges against the Antari flank and sustaining heavy losses, including the deaths of Captain Elson and Staff-sergeant Harlech. Was promoted to captain and made Knight-Companion of the Order of Saint Joshua alongside C. d'al Cazarosta by Royal Order that same year.
Sir Louis is a consummate gentleman, in the best and worst senses of the term. While he is easily capable of comporting himself well among his social equals and superiors, he has a marked lack of respect for the common man. The fact that his subordinates remain loyal to him despite this streak of ruthlessness is testament to his personal magnetism. One should think that Sir Louis is well suited for high command. -Welles
As of OIE 607:
Current Wealth: 1100 Tierran crown
Current Mount: A stallion named Thunderer, 10 years of age
Current Assignment: Officer Commanding, Sixth Squadron, Royal Dragoons
4) Arturo d'al Miradirez, the dirty scoundrel.
Service Record: Lieutenant Arturo d'al Miradirez
Born on the 8th day of the 2nd month, OIE 589 to House Miradirez, holders of a barony sworn to the Dukes of Aetoria.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he excelled in physical training but lagged behind in academic pursuits. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet C. d'al Cazarosta, deathborn-bastard of the Countess of Leoniscourt.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding).
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant L. Hernandes as second-in-command. Took part in a successful action against an Antari force at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602.
Became an associate of Captain D. d'al Lefebvre (Grenadiers). Suspected to be involved in illegal operations against Antari civilians under Captain Lefebvre's command throughout 604 and 605. Took part in a relief of outpost commanded by Lieutenant M. d'al Carrecort (White Rose Lancers) in 605 and was complicit in the cashiering of Carrecort. Purchased promotion to lieutenant later that year.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning in early 606. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Hernandes promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Participated in an action against Antari cavalry in the spring of 607. Censured by His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris for participation in a massacre of Antari prisoners of war. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Deserted at the Battle of Blogia before being arrested several days later. Cited hopelessness of situation and ill-preparedness of his men at court-martial. Relieved of command and recalled to Tierra by tribunal.
Why have we not hanged this man yet? Lieutenant Miradirez is a rake and a rogue of the absolute worst sort. He is a scoundrel without wit, without compassion, and without even the barest hint of loyalty. The very fact that he has been allowed to retain his rank and uniform speaks more to the absolute moral corruption of the High Command than any other possible example. -Welles
As of OIE 609:
Current Wealth: 600 Tierran crown
Current Mount: None
Current Assignment: Currently unassigned
Born on the 8th day of the 2nd month, OIE 589 to House Miradirez, holders of a barony sworn to the Dukes of Aetoria.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after the outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he excelled in physical training but lagged behind in academic pursuits. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet C. d'al Cazarosta, deathborn-bastard of the Countess of Leoniscourt.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding).
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant L. Hernandes as second-in-command. Took part in a successful action against an Antari force at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602.
Became an associate of Captain D. d'al Lefebvre (Grenadiers). Suspected to be involved in illegal operations against Antari civilians under Captain Lefebvre's command throughout 604 and 605. Took part in a relief of outpost commanded by Lieutenant M. d'al Carrecort (White Rose Lancers) in 605 and was complicit in the cashiering of Carrecort. Purchased promotion to lieutenant later that year.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning in early 606. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Hernandes promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Participated in an action against Antari cavalry in the spring of 607. Censured by His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris for participation in a massacre of Antari prisoners of war. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Deserted at the Battle of Blogia before being arrested several days later. Cited hopelessness of situation and ill-preparedness of his men at court-martial. Relieved of command and recalled to Tierra by tribunal.
Why have we not hanged this man yet? Lieutenant Miradirez is a rake and a rogue of the absolute worst sort. He is a scoundrel without wit, without compassion, and without even the barest hint of loyalty. The very fact that he has been allowed to retain his rank and uniform speaks more to the absolute moral corruption of the High Command than any other possible example. -Welles
As of OIE 609:
Current Wealth: 600 Tierran crown
Current Mount: None
Current Assignment: Currently unassigned
5) James d'al Ortiga, the disgraced hero.
Service Record: Lieutenant James d'al Ortiga
Born on the 8th day of the 2nd month, OIE 572 to House Ortiga, holders of a barony sworn to the Earls of Crittenden.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he was noted to be highly personable but lacking in physical capability. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet D. d'al Elson, eldest son of Baron Hawthorne.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding). Awarded the Cross of Saint Jerome for leading a boarding action en route.
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant W. Fenton as second-in-command. Awarded the Gryphon of Rendower for actions leading to the capture of an Antari nobleman at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602.
Engaged in an action involving violations of the Articles of War in the summer of 603. Implicated Captain D. d'al Lefebvre (Grenadiers) in illegal operations against Antari civilians. Promoted to lieutenant at the sponsorship of now-Major Hunter in the autumn of 603, for completely unrelated reasons.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning in late 603. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Fenton promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Reports indicate that Lieutenant Ortiga "pampered" his men, providing them with well-furnished quarters out of his own pocket. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Won a Meritorious Service Order in an action against Antari cavalry in the spring of 607, due to a successful stratagem of his own devising. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Deserted at the Battle of Blogia before being arrested several days later. Cited hopelessness of situation and ill-preparedness of his men at court-martial. Relieved of command and recalled to Tierra by tribunal.
I have read three-volume novels with less tragic protagonists than this. Lieutenant Ortiga had acted with great courage for half a decade, serving with distinction and bravery at every moment, faltering only at the one instant where it mattered most. This man was a hero once. He can be a hero again. -Welles
As of OIE 609:
Current Wealth: 1200 Tierran crown
Current Mount: None
Current Assignment: Currently unassigned
Born on the 8th day of the 2nd month, OIE 572 to House Ortiga, holders of a barony sworn to the Earls of Crittenden.
Entered service in the spring of 602, soon after outbreak of war with Antar, as a cornet of the Royal Dragoons with a commission purchased at the cost of 800 crown.
Entered training with Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons under Captain A. d'al Montez, where he was noted to be highly personable but lacking in physical capability. Became a known acquaintance of Cornet D. d'al Elson, eldest son of Baron Hawthorne.
Proceeded to Antar aboard HMS Victorious (44 Guns, Captain R. Walken commanding). Awarded the Cross of Saint Jerome for leading a boarding action en route.
Assigned to detached duty under the command of Captain Sir E. d'al Hunter (Grenadiers). Was given a six-man patrol and took on Sergeant W. Fenton as second-in-command. Awarded the Gryphon of Rendower for actions leading to the capture of an Antari nobleman at the Kharan River Bridge, autumn 602.
Engaged in an action involving violations of the Articles of War in the summer of 603. Implicated Captain D. d'al Lefebvre (Grenadiers) in illegal operations against Antari civilians. Promoted to lieutenant at the sponsorship of now-Major Hunter in the autumn of 603, for completely unrelated reasons.
Served on regimental staff of His Grace, the Duke of Cunaris (Colonel-in-chief, Royal Dragoons) beginning in late 603. Was given command of 6th Troop, Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons the next year. Sergeant Fenton promoted to staff-sergeant at the same time. Reports indicate that Lieutenant Ortiga "pampered" his men, providing them with well-furnished quarters out of his own pocket. Was recalled to the main force of Third Squadron, Royal Dragoons, then under the command of Captain D. d'al Elson, in early 607.
Won a Meritorious Service Order in an action against Antari cavalry in the spring of 607, due to a successful stratagem of his own devising. Attended the reception of His Grace, the Duke of Wulfram (Lieutenant-general, Councilor-Militant) that same year.
Deserted at the Battle of Blogia before being arrested several days later. Cited hopelessness of situation and ill-preparedness of his men at court-martial. Relieved of command and recalled to Tierra by tribunal.
I have read three-volume novels with less tragic protagonists than this. Lieutenant Ortiga had acted with great courage for half a decade, serving with distinction and bravery at every moment, faltering only at the one instant where it mattered most. This man was a hero once. He can be a hero again. -Welles
As of OIE 609:
Current Wealth: 1200 Tierran crown
Current Mount: None
Current Assignment: Currently unassigned
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