Like all others MMOrpg it will be interesting and playable for me if i don't have my own family, job, friends, thousand other hoobies and many great games with stories and climate waiting to be played [first or .... time in the row].
All of that plus small ammount of time makes me say thank You for that kind of games at all
. Other thing is i never put single $ at early access game after letdowns like "War of the Vikings", "DayZ", "Space Base", "Stomping Land", etc.
First finish your job, then ask for money. Like in real life. Kickstarter and every "pay before release " type of things are killing quality in modern games.
Already playing some mmocrpg at my college times, about 15 years ago but all climate and "feeling" was always destroyed by people who can't follow the lore or lack of fine quests/story at all, not to mention all serves will gone dead sooner or later and all buddies will go away for serious rl things so best thing for any crpg gamer is SINGLE PLAYER game, where you can save your gaming pleasure for years.
They could create game like that for single too, like Mount&Blade:Warband [it had some mods like great 1257 with some feautres like here] with feautres they are planning to add - creating, working, and crafting|building small medieval world plus some fights and huge replayable value will be great shot and great game! As long as it is only for multi , go to hell.