Harbinger of Decline
After having to restart my game of 7.62: High Calibre due to mod install, I decided to share my wonderful exploits in Algeira. Due to the sheer lenght of the game I probably won't detail all of my travels, but I'll post the best bits here.
7.62 is typical Russian release; buggy, poorly translated and full of that same magic that games of the 'olden days used to be. Despite some obvious glitches, I've been entertained. The game has lots of different mercenaries, more choices and consequences than today's RPG's and most importantly - lots and lots of gunporn.
I'm playing with B.F.X. mod installed, which adds even more weapons from Russian mods, makes the cars more durable and fixes a couple of bugs in the international release. I opted against the Hard Life mod, even though it'd add a lot of great content as it's not translated. Normal difficulty with all the key settings on; no easy money, weapons can jam, criticals on etc.
So let's play 7.62!
Some offers you just can't refuse
Oh well. My previous visit to Palinero (see: Brigade E5: New Jagged Union) didn't go that well. That asshole general ended up as the dictator of the neighboring country and a lot of my mercenary friends died.
War, war never changes. Luckily I made it out in one piece myself. And got the payment up front.
Just when I was enjoying a well earned holiday, a group of "businessmen" approached me. Apparently some dumbass Russian had stolen a lot of money from them, needed to be made an example of.
With my previous experience of area, they thought I was just the man for the job. So I guess my holiday is over. Back to that tropical shithole I go!
So, time to roll a character. I went for the Russian dude since he had cool moustache and a Codexian IQ. Intelligence affects the rate that your skills improve, so it's very useful. Shooting is what I’ll mostly be doing, so I invested my points there. I’m planning to do some sniping with this fellow, so I also put some points in camouflage.
So, now that we've rolled a merc and have landed in Algeira the game can start. The game starts in the town of Puerto Viejo.
Sounds simple enough. How hard can it be to find a Russian guy in middle of latin america?
So, after being dumbfuck'd by my employer, what should we do? Since this game is about gunporn, obviously we'll find a gun store! I'm still wearing my holiday suit and am only packing this pesky Tokarev and a single grenade.
Unfortunately the sales people didn't have anything of interest for sale. I bought a backpack and a vest for carrying loot, but otherwise we're still the same. Doesn't matter that much, at this point the cops will confiscate any large arms I might stumble upon anyway.
I start asking around the town for clues about the guy I am after. Obviously nobody knows him. In the local bar I meet the first fellow mercenary, Caesar. Since he is a twat and won't work without a pile of cash, I leave him be. Note that people who I don't know are labeled in extremely informative manner. Once you talk to them, their name gets displayed.
Being short on cash, I ask around the locals for any jobs they'd have. And I get my very first fed-ex task! Yay!
I think I've seen enough of Puerto Viejo now. Since I have the fed-ex quest on, I decide to head for Campecino.
Just as I leave the town, I'm interrupted by something fishy in the road up ahead. Bandits!
So time for the combat tutorial. 7.62 plays real time, but with free pause. The game can be slowed down or speeded up up to seven times, and certain actions automatically pause the game or slow it down. Every action costs time, and enemies act at the same time. So if you're re-arranging your inventory, foes will pump you full of lead in the meanwhile. Time to waste some spics!
Since it's daytime and I'm experienced mercenary, I lay waste on the bandits. I kill two of them and wound the third one, and he decides to flee.
The surviving bandit surrenders and wants to talk. Nothing useful comes out of talking to him though.
Omg, C&C! This time it's not much of a choice though, since I popped this fellow full of lead earlier. So it's either a bullet in the head or bleeding to death for him. So...
ARRR! Free firing practice! After laying down the smack, my merc makes a fearsome pose for you guys.
Sweet, some loot as well. I'm not planning to go russian gangsta style with sawed off mosin-nagant, so this crap is going for sale.
Thats it for now. When we return, more screenshots of talking heads, more intense C&C and more gunporn!