Burning Bridges
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This forum is shit as mods have one fucking job and not doing it:
What's the point of separating them and leaving all the threads in the wrong subforums?
Sure there are space games - in GG and no one fucking bothers to move them because... reasons, I guess.There are actually games, it just seems no one wants to play them and this forum is a joke.
Lately? I've been sucked into what's probably the spergiest space game to date:DraQ what are you playing by the way? Hellion was great fun but the last update wiped my station form the server.
Ok, here's what CoADE allows:DraQ I actually wanted to try that Children of a Dead Earth for a long time!!
It sounds like Automation Car company in space (the game in my sig). I already spent 600 hours in that game and keep my progress in Excel sheets since 2013. If the CoadE is what I think it is I could probably sink 500 hours in that too, I think I understand the attraction. Is there a process where you can optimize your spacecraft and it would take years to fully understand it? Like you were a real aerospace engineer but as a game? Then I am eventually gonna fall for that too.
Keeping an eye on that.There is also another game called Rogue System that also seems worth learning. It's basically a flight sim in the future and in space. It is sometimes called "DCS in space"