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Great job, Bioware!


Jul 8, 2007
Hory said:
GeneralSamov said:
Fapping in the toilet?
And this choice doesn't have consequences at the level of society? If people didn't "fap in the toilet", many would be forced to compensate by finding other sources of sexual satisfaction. Some might get off their ass and actually find a woman. From there, the ramifications are endless. Some might stick to sex, some might marry her, some might just rape her because they're desperate.

Second, fapping the bathroom is by itself a consequence of social norms. Maybe sex isn't such a big taboo in other cultures, or maybe it is worse and fapping is being actively supressed. Or maybe some families just live in a one-room house.
Hypotheses. Tell me what happens if I fap, not if I don't, ffs. Also, you're assuming 'fapping in the toilet' as an action that occurs several times, every time you feel the need to discharge. You have to isolate the fact to a single instance.

I hope you're not trying to tell me I encourage fat chicks to commit suicide when I fap.

@aron: get some context at page 3.


Jun 6, 2007
Yeah, cause downloading games is like being ROBIn H00d!

Stealing from the evil rich, and giving it all to poor me!
Oct 8, 2006
wjw said:
Yeah, cause downloading games is like being ROBIn H00d!

Stealing from the evil rich, and giving it all to poor me!

You know that posting, deleting, and then posting a diferent thing is for kids and fags, right? As you said before ninja-ing the post, "Grow up".


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Some of you people are so fucking stupid it pains me to read the gibberish your monkey brains concoct.

There is no statistic that shows DRM resulting in a loss of sales, likewise there is statistics that show DRM increasing sales, if ever so slightly. Certainly we can take this with a grain of salt as it's hardly conclusive, but it's still there. Secondly, many of you people are just blind, and there are others who are trying to explain what "Color" is and you just won't ever get it. You're blind after all making this concept beyond your realm of perception.

Like others have said, if you want to play it buy it, if you can't afford it too bad, and if you pirate it shame on you. Owned by EA, or not, it's a matter of principle, and as a gamer, it's in your interest to support game development because for all the bad games that you may purchase, it is through these bad games that developers earn enough cash to trip over a diamond in the rough.

Likewise, it may be just as advantageous to promote your views of bad DRM screwing up your machine, but the actual chance of this happening is low already and DRM is improving in terms of stability. Again, it's all a matter of principle, live in the jungle if you like, that's the beauty of free will I guess, ignorance is bliss, whatever.


Jun 6, 2007
The Rambling Sage said:
You know that posting, deleting, and then posting a diferent thing is for kids and fags, right?

I agree, it's totally immoral.


Apr 18, 2008
Again, it's all a matter of principle, live in the jungle if you like, that's the beauty of free will I guess, ignorance is bliss, whatever.


Yeah, long live capitalism! Buy bad games because it helps creating good games! Of course, of course... because the developers will bother making good games when they see you buying whatever they sell.
And we who don't blindly believe in this are the ignorant ones...

Speaking of blind ignorance, I sort of believe publishers/developers/whatever don't hate piracy because people play it without buying, they hate it because people can play it and see for themselves what it is about before deciding whether to spend their money or not. If people would just listen to their advertising on how innovative their game is and to the reviews that don't fail in giving a score above 90 to every AAA game then it would be a great world of them.
This is also why demos start to disappear... it's not the "OMG we can't cut a piece of our whole steaming pile and give it to you", it's their fear of people actually smelling the crap.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
@Rambling Sage: Much better. Never apologise for trolling ;) Laws are for coporate suits and anarchy will lead to better computer games^^

Some of you people are so fucking stupid it pains me to read the gibberish your monkey brains concoct.

There is no statistic that shows DRM resulting in a loss of sales
Stopped reading here, Xi, because you are so fucking stupid it pains me to read the gibberish your monkey brain concocts.
I'm sure that doesn't have any impact on your opinion.


Sep 22, 2004
(rainy spain)
saving games it apears to happen also to people with registered ME on official forums. Issue appears to have something to do with people having game installed on different partition (maybe hard disk?) than their system. Probably xp issue.



Oct 21, 2005
If sales increase with strong DRM for a game company, those sales are to:

People who are willing to steal games,
are too stupid to crack it or too consumer frenzied to wait the four days for the crack.

Therefore those sales are to shitheels, and strong DRM encourages making content and marketing that will appeal to shitheels, therefore enshittening the games further.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Shannow said:
Laws are for coporate suits and anarchy will lead to better computer games^^

Wow, your insight is so amazing! You have captured the great philosopher, and genius mind, of the Sex Pistols. Amazing!

FeelTheRads said:
Yeah, long live capitalism! Buy bad games because it helps creating good games! Of course, of course... because the developers will bother making good games when they see you buying whatever they sell.
And we who don't blindly believe in this are the ignorant ones...

Because never purchasing games, or purchasing a small few you consider "good", won't cause game developers to go out of business? This obviously reduces the risk for new investors to fund creative new designs, obviously.

Honestly, you're just contributing to the vicious cycle that forces publishers to stick to guaranteed formulas. Your concept of "good" is impossible and therefore they just don't consider you a market at all, or they hope to force a few of you through DRM. Meh, it's all lost on some of you.


Dec 27, 2006
wouldn't it be nice if modern draconian copyright law was modeled after the newer creative commons copyright law?
Where you are allowed to use the works released under it personally in anyway you see fit just not for personal financial gain.
Author Cory Doctorow is the first author i know who releases all his novels in digital format that way, so you are under no obligation to buy his book in the real world, he has downloadable drm free version right up on his site and he doesn't dodge the bullet aka release the physical version then wait like 12 months before the free digital version appears , they both get released at the sametime, and he's not in the pauper house in fact because of this his sales have gone up, since due to the creative commons license the digital books get translated into other languages (by fans) and theres a demand for the physical product in that language he also is an advocate of no drm on media , he leads by example, practices what he preaches.
Now i don't expect bioware to release a digital version of ME for free (they could probably do it just serve that bitch up with a million and one burger king ads between loading screens) but on the drm part at least they could do away with it, all it does it piss people like me off and turn me away from ever buying any game from them, while the p2p users get the free ride. I gave them a pass on the crazy authentication you have to go through with the paid nwn modules they sell , hell i even bought several to show my support but no more.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
One last thing you have to ask yourself. Has Piracy made the PC market better? Has game quality improved or declined since it's introduction?

Does this make a case for promoting anti-piracy and DRM? Possibly.
Nov 23, 2006
Xi said:
One last thing you have to ask yourself. Has Piracy made the PC market better? Has game quality improved or declined since it's introduction?
Are you for real? Since the "introduction" of piracy? Really?


Feb 21, 2004
aries202 said:
Neither do I, David. That's why I won't pirate the game, MEPC or use a crack to play the Mass Effect for PC game.

That's not the point, however.

The point is that every lock (or copy protection scheme) can be broken - when they are made by men (meaning human beings). I don't think you are greedy for wanting the money back on your investment in Mass Effect. Treating potential legal customers who have legally bought this game as some sort of criminals is borderline, I think. The whole DRM thing with 3 limited activations etc. seems at least to me to suggest that at least EA thinks that way.

Apparently this is meant to discourage casual pirating between friends. However, if we look at the music industry nearly all music-cds and music-dvs is out on sites that have pirated stuff on - at least I think they are :?: And this is because some people in the music industry or a low level tech engineer that maybe got their hands on a pre-relese cd or the goldmaster for the music, will copy it - and then just show it to his friends - and - ah, you can figure out the rest, I think, you're smart people :) My best qualified guess is that something similar are taking place within the game (and movie) industry.
I don't support it, of course, but it has been known to happen and is happening still.

--- and didn't you guys earn the money back when the Xbox 360 version was released.
Apparently the Xbox version 2½ million copies...

Well, I wasn't commenting on the DRM itself -- I certainly feel for anyone who buys their game and can't play it, that's a sucky situation to be in. It's a bad situation all around. Whether or not EA chooses to change their position, letting them know how you feel (especially if you're a customer) can only help them make an informed decision.

I only meant to comment on those people who feel they have the right to play a game they haven't paid for, and now hold up DRM as justification-- as if "sticking it" to us greedy types makes them somehow heroic instead of greedy types themselves. Do what you think you must, but at least own up to it. It doesn't make it right, but at least it's not pathetic.

Not that there's much point to my saying so, but hey -- this wouldn't be the internet if everyone didn't feel the need to throw their two cents into the pool. :)


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Futile Rhetoric said:
Xi said:
One last thing you have to ask yourself. Has Piracy made the PC market better? Has game quality improved or declined since it's introduction?
Are you for real? Since the "introduction" of piracy? Really?

Ok, change that to rampant piracy if it helps you visualize my point. Piracy wasn't always as easy as it is now. 56K modems and a lack of good P2P and all. Do you live under a rock or something?

You have this romantic idea that ease of theft has nothing to do with how often it occurs.
Nov 23, 2006
Xi said:
Ok, change that to rampant piracy if it helps you visualize my point. Piracy wasn't always as easy as it is now. 56K modems and a lack of good P2P and all. Do you live under a rock or something?
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about (as always). Piracy has always been "rampant", you ignorant imbecile. Just because you are able to log in on a torrent site nowadays and track how many copies are downloaded, doesn't mean anything has actually changed. I for one still remember my old school days and the vibrant floppy-trading community.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
Futile Rhetoric said:
Xi said:
Ok, change that to rampant piracy if it helps you visualize my point. Piracy wasn't always as easy as it is now. 56K modems and a lack of good P2P and all. Do you live under a rock or something?
You don't know what the fuck you are talking about (as always). Piracy has always been "rampant", you ignorant imbecile. Just because you are able to log in on a torrent site nowadays and track how many copies are downloaded, doesn't mean anything has actually changed. I for one still remember my old school days and the vibrant floppy-trading community.

Oh I forgot that your personal experience must be indicative of how easy it was for everyone else during the "floppy-trading" era. Nevermind, you've utter destroyed my point by providing a single instance of ease of piracy of old games in the pre-windows era.

Yeah, because the sneaker net, aka physical movement of a piece of software, was rampant and the industry didn't start making large profits until modern P2P with high connectivity and speed was available?

aron searle

Nov 27, 2007
United Kingdom (of retardation)
Xi said:
Honestly, you're just contributing to the vicious cycle that forces publishers to stick to guaranteed formulas.

Except that's what they do with the console market, and it barely suffers from piracy.

(yes i know about those fucking chips, but normal people are to scared to mod their consoles with that crap).

Your concept of "good" is impossible and therefore they just don't consider you a market at all, or they hope to force a few of you through DRM. Meh, it's all lost on some of you.

Stop posting shit.

Oh I forgot that your personal experience must be indicative of how easy it was for everyone else during the "floppy-trading" era. Nevermind, you've utter destroyed my point by providing a single instance of ease of piracy of old games in the pre-windows era.

Look everyone as XI demonstrates what a complete fucking moron he is.

Everyone swapped discs at school or with freinds, floppy discs were possibly the easist things to copy EVAR.


Jan 28, 2006
Twilight Zone
aron searle said:
Except that's what they do with the console market, and it barely suffers from piracy.

(yes i know about those fucking chips, but normal people are to scared to mod their consoles with that crap).

Wow, because the consoles haven't seen any innovation at all?
Nov 23, 2006
Xi said:
Oh I forgot that your personal experience must be indicative of how easy it was for everyone else during the "floppy-trading" era. Nevermind, you've utter destroyed my point by providing a single instance of ease of piracy of old games in the pre-windows era.
Pre-windows, post-windows, pre-CD, post-CD, pre-DVD, post-DVD. It's all the same. The only dip in piracy during all this time was after the introduction of the CD-ROM, while CD burners were too expensive for everyone to afford. This dip in piracy didn't mean more games got bought, obviously -- all it meant is that someone bought the burner and sold compilation CDs to recoup his costs. Floppy disks and diskettes, audio casettes, CDs, DVDs, VHS, you could always get what you wanted. I don't know what kind of sheltered life you've led, and frankly that is none of my concern. Jog on.

the industry didn't start losing revenue until modern P2P with high connectivity and speed was available?
You pulled this out of your ass, or what?


Oct 1, 2003
GeneralSamov said:
Hypotheses. Tell me what happens if I fap, not if I don't, ffs.
Are you trolling or do you comprehension failures? Obviously, if you fap, the consequences are the opposite of not fapping. You are less likely to begin a sexual relation with a woman, less likely to rape someone, etc. Yes, these are hypotheses as I obviously haven't done a scientific study on this matter. If that bothers you, stop arguing on forums.
Also, you're assuming 'fapping in the toilet' as an action that occurs several times, every time you feel the need to discharge. You have to isolate the fact to a single instance.
No, I don't have to at all. The number of times the action is taken is simply a multiplier of the effects. A single instance is simply less severe.
I hope you're not trying to tell me I encourage fat chicks to commit suicide when I fap.
Didn't think of this, but it's a good point.


Jul 3, 2007
Xi said:
Piracy wasn't always as easy as it is now. 56K modems and a lack of good P2P and all. Do you live under a rock or something?

well when here was no unlimited internet we had the whole pirate corporations like Fargus, MasterMedia, RussianProject, Neogame and tons of other pirate shit that sold games worth $50 for $3.
what was your point again?

Xi said:
One last thing you have to ask yourself. Has Piracy made the PC market better? Has game quality improved or declined since it's introduction?

what? the games' quality dropped however pockets of developers became 10 times fatter than they were 10 years ago.
really I think "omg piracy kills devstudios.. oh wha? yep that's my ferrari" bullshit of the devs is nothing more than an excuse for making shitty games noone wants to really buy.
note how only rich devs and/or untalended fucks (like those titan quest/wh40k rapestorm fags) are whining about piracy while making shit games.
while others keep their mouth shut and make MotB and TW.

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