Looks very cool.
But I always laugh at the idea of space combat. I mean, realistically, if you think about the velocities involved and the narrow windows of opportunity, space battles would have to be handled largely by AI (or perhaps highly enhanced humans) because they'd go by so fast they'd be over in a flash. The way that space games always have spaceships analogous to the age of sail gliding along majestically really close to each other - well, it's quite good fun gameplay-wise, but it's hardly simulationist
I like Peter F. Hamilton's take on space battles. Warships spherical with crew in center, to maximize armor from any angle. Drone swarms always the first phase. Engaegment phase one or two lightning-fast passes, decided in the blink of an eye by railguns or similar (ultra-fast kinetic weapons).
Mind you, I suppose a way you could save appearances for super-enhanced humans is that their minds could be sped up so that subjectively things did move along at an easier pace (like the slowed-down scenes with Quicksilver in the young X-Men movie).
From what I've seen/read of it, space combat is either two local forces fighting in low to high orbit, or the equivalent of a high speed joust with 18 wheelers, which is fucking awesome. The low orbit stuff is also basically jousting unless the two sides are following each other's orbits, trying to overtake them via weaponry.
I don't know why games shy away from that. Jousting is fun. Even with drones, or ai, we have plenty of sapient robot characters. If you need them to be sexy, just have them DL into a body somewhere for groundside ops.
Boardsides, shields, heavy armor, or stopping in front of each other to shoot? So boring. I can handle OldLOGH a bit because they're using FTL comms, sensors, and shields+armor, and even then its two sides shooting at each other, maybe they close in at times, but at least they *shoot* - like, they fire vollies, every ship is constantly firing, missiles are lobbed, everything- compare that to the most 'active' star wars battle either in ROTS or ROTJ and they're so plain in comparison - and have numbers befitting interstellar polities (and even then they're sort of on the low side).