Have you seen good games by mega corporations, where every little aspect of the game is designed by ten or more people, and they prioritize pandering, like making all chicks ugly in Cyberpunk and making the only slightly non-ugly chick into a romanceable... lesbian?
Design by committee is usually dogshit, but CDPR is not your average big corp that tries to impose some marketing-approved vision on the game. They're more like idiots who don't know wtf they're doing.
Not to mention, they apparently can't code anymore, because they decided to abandon their engine.
They could never code engines. Every engine was basically a giant hack meant to be the one time they would create a stable in-house engine and every time it'd be a major cause of developer burnout, crunch, and still end up something that barely works for the specific game they got in the end and not something that's generally useful.
It seems like everything is in decline. Things are falling apart everywhere. It's entropy accelerated. How do you imagine someone making a good game in the post-2004 era, unless it's by the Japs who live in a different time-space?
Mostly with smaller teams, honestly. You're right that the bigger the team is, the more likely they are to fuck shit up.
At the 10 year anniversary of the Witcher series, CDPR streamed themselves playing the first part of The Witcher. When thugs appeared and threatened to rape Shani, cuck Burza triggered and started apologizing for the dialogue. The answer is
Burza is a fucking horrible designer and if CDPR tries worming that kind of retarded attitude into Witcher 4 they should save themselves the trouble and fucking close down already instead of setting that money on fire. I remember Burza being the retard in the Gwent forums who talked about how they definitely wanted to preserve the role of fun cards like Gascon in the post-Homecoming Gwent.
Fun cards like Gascon. Like motherfucking
Gascon. That fucking new card is nothing but a plain body with
zero abilities that has a high provision cost where the
only fucking special thing about him is that his point value is fucking
random when you play him and thus can be anything from total garbage to stupidly OP. There is absolutely fucking
nothing going for that card but obtaining a random amount of points and making victory or defeat stupidly luck-based. It was a heavily unpopular card last I'd checked.
These are the fucking retards who ruined Gwent. Please tell me this imbecile can't touch Witcher 4.
As someone who was heavily invested in the Gwent beta from 2016-2017 I also can't get over how much they fucked us over and kept lying to us. Most egrerious: "Don't worry about the massive RNG-patch guys, we're taking Gwent back to the roots now... just have patence with us for half a year more, you won't regret it" -- then massive overhaul basically turning the game into a simplified mobile game, that had nothing to do with the roots.
Yeah, the Homecoming patch was a fucking lie. They also lied about how they weren't trying to make Gwent into a cellphone game (which is what everyone suspected when they announced they were killing 3 rows - a change NOBODY wanted) and then later did it anyway. Honestly, I'm glad I never spent money on Gwent, but I still miss the old game sometimes.
They also cribbed a bunch of retarded ideas from Hearthstone iirc. Like motherfucker, if people want to play Hearthstone they'll just play Hearthstone, not Gwent, but hey, the combination of cargo cult design and retarded devs who didn't know how to play Gwent and only knew how to play Hearthstone made a potent combination in fucking up the game alright.