CSH Picone
I didn't plan to start a new thread but couldn't find Dnd adventures: Wizard's Choice mentioned anywhere in the forum - and I didn't want people to miss out because it slipped under the radar. I know I can't be the only person out there who grew up loving that gritty roleplaying experience that came with AD&D sessions in the 90s and - for me at least, I found this game really captured that feeling. Wizard's Choice was made by Cold Coffee Studios, who I'm sure you haven't heard of because until now they've only released jigsaw puzzle games, but the adventures themselves are written by Sam Landstrom from Delight Games. It's a text-based roleplaying experience, full of genuine choice & consequence, resource management, and some bloody tough decisions. I'm not being paid to say any of this by the way, just genuinely having a great time with Wizard's Choice and wanted to show a bit of love for it.
Here's a pic clipped from two screenshots of the start of the game to give you some idea what to expect.
It only released yesterday and if you're interested you can find out more about it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1547410/DnD_Adventure_Wizards_Choice/
And for anyone that's interested, I have two copies of the game to give away. All you need to do is post a screenshot of the game wishlisted in the Twitter thread below. I'll be drawing the winners out tomorrow night.
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