Knights kick off as the game is still a scoreless draw with a few injuries inflicted to the Amazons.
The crowd sides with the underdogs today, rightly so as the Amazons take to the field with just 8 players to the Knights 10.
The weather remains harsh on the passing game. Expect more fumbles.
Knights with a strong line presence, makes a good kick near the line. Not sure why that lone Amazon sets herself next to Xenomorph on the first go. But no matter.
Vasquez picks up the ball. No problems.
Tries a quick pass - failed, shd've gone with a handoff instead! Turnover.
Xenomorph punches away the amazon, stunning her.
Gondolin flanks the line, offering more support.
Azira gets in the fray too...helping Brother None downing an amazon.
Hellraiser with a stunning block!
LundB is now free to roam - assists Jaedar!
Jaedar pushes - right as Whitewolf-
Knocks down an amazon. They're down to 7!
Stabby with a super long pick up -
Dodges and -
gets it! Crowd goes wild!
He'll try an audacious pass to Azira!
Oh shi-
The sisters breaks right almost immediately!
Vasquez hands over the ball - too afraid of fumbles.
More going right with double dodges even.
Angelo's seen enough and knocks one down as she tries to dodge out.
Xenomorph to get up close n personal.
Not good. Rerolls for a push. Gets her to the edge of the field.
Whitewolf with a stun! Knights converge on the ball carrier!
stabby runs back to mark a hapless woman...
Actually, make that a stomp. She's stunned from the boot - the ref not blowing his whistle. Turnover.
Vasquez with a messed block - reroll. Gets a push.
Amazon ball carrier gets free!
And tries a throw?! Azira with an interception!
Here comes the ever familiar sight of Whitewolf-
Pain train did not deliver and manages only two pushes.
Hellraiser knocks his target down.
All clear for Azira, no more fuck ups.
Jaedar acts as safety!
There's no way the Sisters can stop the Knights from scoring now. Turnover.
Dizz blitzes - and only gets a push against Xenomorph.
Carmen Ibanez tries to get past the wall...
Gets knocked out cold on the way through - Turnover!
Delayed touchdown is signaled from the bench. Azira obliges. No sense in risking it.
We have bitches to kill. Whitewolf with a wicked chain push!
LundB grinned evilly as he finishes off the move with aplomb.
That's another Amazon out...only four left on the field.
They've lost the game, and they know it.
No mercy as Whitewolf pushes another hapless girl into the crowd.
Angelo fouled one and gets sent off! It's ok, LundB will try again on the next turn...
Pinched her nerves...
By the last turn, only two women are left on the field.
Go back to the kitchen.
A solid finish - with a slight dampened pass game due to the weather - let's see who gets the MVP....
Oh my god.
The good news: Angelo85 is finally getting out of the Line duty. He gets kick! Looks like Hellraiser and LundB will have to fend for themselves...
As for this THING... ugh.
He'll miss the next game... and has a level up to spend.