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  • I've survived "video nasties.", the satanic panic, etc. But I've never seen a group be so successful at ruining things as trannies.
    They will form a cult of trans hype victims and someone will make the great novel out of it.
    Clockwork Knight
    Clockwork Knight
    Either way we're going to see some epic media cover-ups in the coming years.
    Did they ruin your daily wank session?
    *trails dirty feet into your profile page*
    The Viagra and Prozac are wearing off so I feel fine calling you all retards who are going to get fucked someday. Merry fucking Christmas.
    Ol' Willy
    Ol' Willy
    Who hooks up on Viagra and Prozac at the same time? You want to have very calm, but solid boner?
    United Nations
    United Nations
    He needs to take that Viagra with some grapefruit juice, Prozac will just make him go nuts when his health insurance company drops his senile ass and no longer pays for the script.
    It's amazing how willing people are to swallow blackpills even when presented with facts or at least inconsistencies. Oh well.
    Frank Capicoli
    Frank Capicoli
    It's no surprise given there's no reason for anybody to have faith in those that run the machine.
    Strange Fellow
    Strange Fellow
    But they're licorice-flavoured!
    You can't have Financial Man without being Trans. Think about that for a while.
    For the last fucking time. I am a rich man living in a poor man's body. I want a life saving moneyplasti. So that I can finally live as I feel. Transcendent from poor to rich. I hate men pretending to be women. We used to laugh at them back in my day.
    Your name is similar to Transsexual-Edward-Scissorhands, are you guys friends?
    I am ashamed of how excited I am for the new HP game. I hated reading the books to my kids. But then I ended up liking them through osmosis.
    can't wait for the new hp tranny murdering simulator
    Kev Inkline
    Kev Inkline
    I had fun reading books 1-3 to my kids, but I think after that the quality of the series dropped.
    Millennials constantly project their own failings and faults onto boomers and wonder why those boomers don't want to help them. Gen Z knows
    Just give em a firm handshake bro, that'll get you the job.
    ok boomer
    Neverwinter Nights is some comfy shit. I'm always finding some awesome module I haven't played yet that I lose hours in.
    can you recommend some good modules
    Looking on NwN vault, the big one that I liked was Aieland Saga. That series of modules puts Bioware's efforts over the last 15 years to shame (okay that's not hard to do, to be fair.). The one I've recently been playing is Return to Ravenloft. I haven't completed it but it's really good so far and if you like gothic horror then it's a must play.
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